Numbness down below (Woman's problem)

Hi all I’m sorry about the anon post but I’m too embarrassed to post this any other way. Have any of you ladies ever had numbness in your “private parts”. This has started as a new symptom for me. I have numbness and lack of feeling pretty much in the crease at top of leg next to vagina on one side only. Goes from half way down the front to half way up and back and into the bum cheek. The opening around the vagina feels numb also. It’s all only on one side. No pins and needles or pain or anything. Just numbness… I am so freaked out by this. I hope that this is just another “normal” symptom and yet another quirk of MS. Thanks

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I also experience this although Its more of altered sensation as opposed to numbness and have had this for a number of years. Honestly I find it’s pointless “worrying” about it I think it’s a quirk of MS


Yes, mine was the result of a spinal cord lesion (part of a relapse, in other words). The sensation did gradually return, over a long time (months!) I’m not sure I’m completely as I was, but about 98%, so it’ll do.



Hi anon I’ve been numb downstairs since January this year and like you just totally numb no pins & needles, The weirdest thing is going to the loo & not been able to feel myself having a number 2. The last time I had this feeling was 15years ago but that only lasted 18 weeks this time so far its been 8 months. I often wonder if it will ever go or if its here to stay forever Sue x

I have spells where I can’t feel myself having a wee, but I’m confused at the time because I never know how much I can actually feel it the rest of the time.

I think what I’m finding weird is I’m not numb like you to the waist Jennifer or as bad as you Sue (thankfully) but have definite numbness down there. Its quite a specific patch of numbness. It such an odd feeling. Maybe its most like what jennieb describes. I’m afraid it is a new relapse that’s why I asking about it on here to see if its something I need to action on Monday or do I just hope for the best and presume it will not get any worse/come back to normal. It must have looked so odd last night as I was sitting on the couch and I just kept poking myself to see what I could feel… Apart from maybe a bit of frequency -more than the usual and some constipation- no worse than usual i think I’m ok down there otherwise. There is always something new to think about. This forum is a life saver - where else could you ask people who really understand to talk about their private parts and feeling/lack of feeling in same!!

I think the weirdest of it is that I feel like I’ve got something permenantley stuck in my back passage (I haven’t doctor’s checked) and when I sit down or bend over it feels somethings pushing up it. Very strange disease with the most unpleasant feelings ever. Sue x

I had this a couple of years ago during a relapse causing my right leg up to my chest going numb. It was only one side. I could have drawn a line up my stomach, only my right bum cheek and the right side of my private parts too. It was very strange but has rectified itself now. Only the bottom of my leg stayed numb.

Not numb there but in my big toe and like you find it odd because its a specific patch on my big toe too. I assume its due to nerve distribution.

I was numb from the waist down 4 years ago and it was total numbness from front to back and right down to my toes. (It had started with pins and needles in my toes and over a week crept upwards and became more severe.) The weirdest thing was that I felt as if I might as well wipe someone else’s bottom because it didn’t feel like mine! Oh and sitting on a chair, I could sense my trousers against the chair but not my bottom in my trousers, that was so strange to explain but I’m sure it will make sense to you.

I still sometimes have a little patch that feels like I have a piece of toilet paper stuck between my bum cheeks but I know that I haven’t. It’s really irritating and it’s so hard not to fidget. Thankfully no more numbness at the front though.


I have had this too! I had no feeling from the waist down, Just like the others said it a very strange sensation. I was totally shocked but I recovered fully!

Just wanted to show my support hugs

Having read a few comments in the past, this is one that frightens me. Luckily my only numbness at the moment is thumb and forefinger of my left hand but it scares me! Having likely PPMS it means if it does happen, it might not go back to normal…

I’m not surprised you’re a bit freaked, I hope things return to normal very soon.

Sonia x


Just wanted to comment on this.

I have horrible numb-but-not-quite numb pins & needles / tingling on and off (more on than off actually!) in my right foot and leg. sometimes (although rarely) it spreads up to my hip, and when it does, the right side of my vagina is affected. It is extremely unpleasant when it happens, although like I say, it it thankfully not a regular thing for me.

But - One thing that starts it off / makes it worse for me is (blushes) using a vibrator!! my partner and I had tried a vibrator because I had been experiencing reduced sensation in my genital area. I had heard that for some people with ms, vibrators can help with this. But for me, the vibrator sparked of the worst episode of vagina tingling / pins and needles I have had. Only in the right side, but very intense and unpleasant (very different to the tingling you get with sexual arrousal, and only on one side anyway, so I know for certain that wasnt what was going on!) It spread right down from the right side of my vagina to my right foot, and lasted for ages. It really really freaked me out. It made me a bit sad actually.

sometimes it is all just a bit much isnt it? o.O

Oh anon # 2 (from the original Anon poster) that sounds so awful. You poor thing!!! I’m still numb and have terrible frequency. Peeing every 30mins/1 hour. Think ill have to tell the neuro tomorrow. How am I going to explain this one??!!! So embarrassed!!!

Just stick to the facts. Use the medical terms for parts of the body and it won’t seem so personal. He will have heard it all before, I am certain. MS attacks all parts of us so he must be used to it by now. If it helps, write it down and hand the note to him.

T x

I’m going to sick to the facts and try and not die of embarrassment: Im not feeling great and its not like I can tell people why!!"oh Im feeling a bit off form, I can’t feel my fanny or ass and feel like a bus ran over me and reversed"I think a broken leg would be easier to explain!! I’d like to propose a toast to all the people with numb bits out there. May we stick together and help each other with words of comfort.

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Good luck with the neuro, you can bet they’ve heard it before anyway x

Well update on this. Neuro seemed to understand. I was so embarrassed but he was so kind. I told him about how I’m peeing so much and I’m not even sure at times if I’m peeing or not!! I also explained the numbness and he knew exactly what I meant. He is arranging admission for me to get to the bottom of all this ASAP. My symptoms are progressing fairly rapidly… :frowning: Thanks all

I thought he would just say its my MS but instead he said he needed to admit me. I did get a big shock to be honest!! Maybe it’s for the best .

I’m so glad you overcame your embarrassment and told him. He sounds very understanding and I’m glad he is doing something proactive about it. At least now you will get some answers and hopefully some treatment for it. Admission isn’t nice but sometimes it’s necessary.
