Im sorry for posting this annonymously I don’t normally I just feel so pathetic. I’m stuck in limboland and even though I have friends and family around I feel so lonely. None of them really understand and I feel so out of everything since I don’t have any energy. I just keep crying and feel like I can’t go on. I sound so self pitying when lots of you have it far harder than me but I just can’t cope
Anon… never apologise for how you feel. I could have written your post as feel the same at times. It will get better. You can cope. And limboland will become a diagnosis. Its a tough ride at the moment, but please be assured that there are people here who can and will support you. No, noone does understand how you feel, but I am sure we will all try our hardest. Its awful to feel so unwell alot of the time isnt it. If you would like to message me privately, please do so.
Paula xx
I am right there with you my dear… I am in exactly the same position as you.
I have been feeling so lonely too, and my lack of energy (and lack of money! Being as I can’t work right now) is really getting me down, making me feel like this summer is going on by without me. It has been rare lately that I have gone even just a day without crying, and now I have a nasty cold on top of my other symptoms!
We CAN make it through though. Don’t you doubt that.
We are still here, we still have the capacity to enjoy so very much of life. I assure you.
Sending so much love to you. <3
Please don’t be sorry. I have a saying that I’ve adapted - ‘One person’s mole hill is another man’s mountain’. Just because your symptoms aren’t as bad as someone elses doesn’t mean they’re any less distressing for you.
Family/friends/partners find it hard to understand they can’t see the pain, the pins and needles, the bladder problems etc If you walked in with a broken leg it would be very different. I think there’s also an element of denial - it’s hard for loved ones to accept there might be something seriously wrong.
This forum is a great place for support. No matter how big or small the problem everyone is heard and people here understand. Limboland is frustrating - I know I’m right there with you. You don’t know what’s caused your symptoms or how you can make it get better and if it will get better. It’s a hard place to be with so few answers.
You’re certainly not alone, I’m right there in limboland with you as are so many others on this site.X
It’s good to know its not just me feels like this. Your replies have made me cry but only because they are so nice. I just can’t see an end to it all and it scares me so much. My house is a tip because I don’t have the energy or the balance and I’m constantly in pain.
Hi Anon
It was good that you felt able to post on here - we all need to let our feelings out, and this is a safe place to do so. We’re all in this Limboland together and really know how tough it can be.
Don’t be afraid of tears either - they are a natural ‘release valve’ & probably all of us have shed plenty along our Limbo journey.
I’m concerned that you’re constantly in pain 'though - maybe a trip to your GP would be good as they should be able to offer you help with pain control. Do make an appointment & mention too how you feel you’re not coping - there are meds that would be able to help you & there’s no shame in taking an antidepressant when we really need it.
Sending (((Hugs)))) too & do keep posting & let us know how you’re doing.
Bren x
Hello Anon,
Please believe me, you are NOT pathetic and you are definitely among like-minded friends here so you have come to the best place. This forum has been invaluable to me over the last year and I truly don’t know what I would have done without it.
Limboland is hell. Like most people, I never knew MS limboland even existed and once you’re in the ‘system’ and told to hang around and wait and then wait some more, it can be incredibly difficult to cope with. So much so that life can seem to be put on hold, or at least it was for me. I don’t know how far along the diagnostic route you are, but if you have any questions (I had LOADS!!), come back here, offload, yell, rage, etc and there will be so many people supporting you.
Please don’t feel so alone when we’re all here!
Anon, limboland can be notoriously hard at the best of times but to be in constant pain too makes everything feel ten times worse. Please contact your GP or neuro and tell them what you’ve told us - ask for help, please don’t suffer in silence.
Friends & family not understanding is probably partly down to the fact that they can’t actually ‘see’ what’s wrong and probably don’t want to either because then it’d be like admitting that there is something wrong and no one wants illness for their nearest & dearest.
Look after you, things like the housework can wait - you’re far more important. Once your pain is under some degree of control you’ll be in a better position to be able to cope.
One of the wonderful things about this site is that we all understand what you’re going through, you’re not alone, we all support each other.
Let us know how you get on
Mail me anytime if you need to talk
(((hugs))) Debbie xx
I saw someone else post yesterday saying have you ever seen a headstone saying I wish I’d done more housework!!!
I suspect not.
I agree limbo is an awful place where you often end up doubting yourself,and as you say no one understands. WE DO.
Its not pathetic at all and even diagnosed people get down when we feel rubbish but there is no obvious sign. With a dx at least we know for sure why its happening.
Coming on here is a good way to vent your feelings as an emotional release but as others have said,go to your gp for appropriate pain relief as pain can really drain you. Be specific with what the pain is like so if its nerve related he can give you effective meds for that kind of pain.
Equally if the bladder issues are impacting on daily living tell your gp,there are masses of things they can do to help you.
All the best Pip
Thank you for the support, I know I should post with my real name but I hate feeling like this and am embarrassed. I have been to the GP but he told me it was just stress and to take paracetamol and ibuprofen which doesn’t touch it. I’m already on antidepressants for an unrelated thing but don’t like taking them. Life just feels to hard at the moment.
Thank you for the support, I know I should post with my real name but I hate feeling like this and am embarrassed. I have been to the GP but he told me it was just stress and to take paracetamol and ibuprofen which doesn’t touch it. I’m already on antidepressants for an unrelated thing but don’t like taking them. Life just feels to hard at the moment.
anonymous you are not alone, I am new here and in limbo land yesterday cried most of the day. I am trying to set myself just a small job each day so that I have the feeling of achieving something even if it is just making the bed or getting out of bed! forget the housework tell yourself u will do it when u have answers and feel better? listening to everyone here it would seem at some point someone on here as been where we are, take thier advice, listen and take comfort from the fact we will get to the light at end of tunnel. lots of hugs xx
Hi anon,
As posters have already said , you are not alone with your feelings. I feel ‘alone’ everyday, my GP is not very sympathetic, and I feel that no-one really understands how I feel. I’ve had to really push myself on somedays to even ‘function’ otherwise I’d stay in bed all day, really felt like that this morning actually. On most days I really don’t feel like going out anywhere…the thing Is I used to be so active, I would never sit still, I would always be ’ on the go’ doing one thing or another…which Is why feeling like this Is such a contrast.
Hopefully, these feelings will pass, just realise that there are a lot of people who feel the same as you, If that helps at all. You can always message me, and I will be there and try and help.
Hope you feel better soon,
Anon, big hugs, you are not alone, though I understand how you feel. My friends do not really understand and half the time, it feels like they think im either making it up, or overreacting. I’ve only been on here a few weeks but these guys are awesome, please do continue to come on here and vent if you need to.i’m in limboland too and I constantly feel lonely even with people all around me, but its great on here cos we all understand. Please do see your GP about the pain tho, I know its easier said than done, but it will take the edge off a bit at least.
Hey sweetie! you are so not alone - hugs from me too xxxjenxxx
Thank you all so much x I rang the doctors today and got to speak to the practice nurse who said she would talk to one of the doctors about pain relief. She called me back and said he had left me a prescription, I was so relieved until she said it was for ibuprofen. She thought I should be pleased because I don’t pay for my prescriptions. She seemed confused when I told her I didn’t want it and burst into tears. So back dealing with it on my own. Apart from all the lovely kindhearted people here.
hi anon
the pain your describing is probably neuropathic pain and ibuprofen won’t help ask gp or nurse to try you on gabapentin or something similar for neuro pain
hopefully they will help
Dear Anon,
I just wanted to add to the others posts before me, You are definately not alone and just reading your post and others tonight has given me the strength to know I am not alone either!
Today I left work early after battling through yet another day, another day where i woke feeling as sick as when i went to bed… Im exhausted in pain and feeling so sick dizzy and faint I thought I would die. I collapsed on my bed, after struggling to it and just cried, but cried softly as i didnt have the energy to really release my emotions… thats when you know your knackered - hey!, and asked god to just take me now! as Im so tired, sick and tired of trying to be normal and cope when all the time I feel so unwell, and in saying unwell I am seriously understating just how bad I feel, its relentless and living this limbo hell is a nightmare. I too take ibroprofen and paracetamol that just doesnt work but i take them anyway as i have nothing else. Im lucky I have 3 fabulous children to carry on for… Please dont feel alone you have insipired me to write down my feelings and i feel better for that, I hope you feel stronger for doing so too! I know there are many more people that have it far harder than me and I keep thinking I shouldnt complain as it could be far worse but sometimes we just need to accept it when things get too much we should say how we really feel!! otherwise we just gonna go completely mad.
i hope you feel some relife soon x
Dear Anon,
I just wanted to add to the others posts before me, You are definately not alone and just reading your post and others tonight has given me the strength to know I am not alone either!
Today I left work early after battling through yet another day, another day where i woke feeling as sick as when i went to bed… Im exhausted in pain and feeling so sick dizzy and faint I thought I would die. I collapsed on my bed, after struggling to it and just cried, but cried softly as i didnt have the energy to really release my emotions… thats when you know your knackered - hey!, and asked god to just take me now! as Im so tired, sick and tired of trying to be normal and cope when all the time I feel so unwell, and in saying unwell I am seriously understating just how bad I feel, its relentless and living this limbo hell is a nightmare. I too take ibroprofen and paracetamol that just doesnt work but i take them anyway as i have nothing else. Im lucky I have 3 fabulous children to carry on for… Please dont feel alone you have insipired me to write down my feelings and i feel better for that, I hope you feel stronger for doing so too! I know there are many more people that have it far harder than me and I keep thinking I shouldnt complain as it could be far worse but sometimes we just need to accept it when things get too much we should say how we really feel!! otherwise we just gonna go completely mad.
i hope you feel some relife soon x
Dear Anon,
I just wanted to add to the others posts before me, You are definately not alone and just reading your post and others tonight has given me the strength to know I am not alone either!
Today I left work early after battling through yet another day, another day where i woke feeling as sick as when i went to bed… Im exhausted in pain and feeling so sick dizzy and faint I thought I would die. I collapsed on my bed, after struggling to it and just cried, but cried softly as i didnt have the energy to really release my emotions… thats when you know your knackered - hey!, and asked god to just take me now! as Im so tired, sick and tired of trying to be normal and cope when all the time I feel so unwell, and in saying unwell I am seriously understating just how bad I feel, its relentless and living this limbo hell is a nightmare. I too take ibroprofen and paracetamol that just doesnt work but i take them anyway as i have nothing else. Im lucky I have 3 fabulous children to carry on for… Please dont feel alone you have insipired me to write down my feelings and i feel better for that, I hope you feel stronger for doing so too! I know there are many more people that have it far harder than me and I keep thinking I shouldnt complain as it could be far worse but sometimes we just need to accept it when things get too much we should say how we really feel!! otherwise we just gonna go completely mad.
i hope you feel some relife soon x