I have had hip pain now for about 4 weeks. It’s mostly in my right hip and is a dull, but very painful ache. It is right on the joint on the outside of my leg and is worse at night.
I’ve now found that it’s waking me in the night and the pain now spreads all the way down my leg and into my ankle too. It’s quite an intense ache at this point and something I am now struggling a bit to cope with. Once I am up and moving around it is much better, although still gives me some aching pain during the day.
I was hoping it was something that would go away on its own, but if anything it’s getting worse!
Has anyone else experienced something similar? I know I should go to GP, but have had so much time off for appointments since I started my new job 3 months ago, I really want to avoid an appointment if at all possible.
Thanks in advance for any advice anyone can give me.
It could be anything, nerve pain maybe, or just strain from walking badly? I didn’t have pain but my right leg showed my first MS symptoms (foot drop) but I had a bad injury on my right foot a few years ago, I knew I had damaged ligament in my ankle… so blamed that for a while before I went to see an osteo → she said I needed an MRI → long story short, MS Dx.
Do you take any meds in the evening? I think amitriptyline is the norm for nerve pain…
Good luck, I know it’s tough fitting in appointments but sometimes it needs to be done
Thank you for your reply. I think deep down, I know that I need to see the GP, it’s just so hard. I haven’t been in this job for long, but my Optic Neuritis began about 7 weeks ago and since then I have had 4 GP appointments, 4 Ophthalmology appointments, an optician appointment and one appointment with a neurologist. I also have to go in for blood tests next Thursday (but with the nurse, not my GP). I also have an MRI scheduled for 9th December, a neurology follow up on 16th December and another Ophthalmology appointment on 18th December.
I just feel so awkward about it all. I know it’s not my fault, and my employers have been very nice about it all. But I work in finance and our year end is December so we are really busy
I just don’t know what to do. I feel like if I mention to work about my hip, they will think it’s completely unrelated (which it might well be) and they’ll be thinking “what’s wrong with you now?!”.
Ugh - stressing myself out about it isn’t going to help. Might just wait a couple more days and see if it starts to improve. Failing that, I’ll see if I can get my GP to take the bloods and discuss it with her then if I can.
Do you have a drop-in centre near you? Seriously, I’ve been to a drop-in centre on a Sat & Sun and they were actually very helpful.
Also, I talked nicely to my surgery and was able to book a 7.30 am appointment on the one day a week one of the GPs did an early shift, a Sat morning which is bliss as the surgery is empty, and an appointment at 6.15pm meant just leaving a bit early - if you say you’re stuck with work but do they do any late/early surgeries?
Can you tell I’ve also had to wangle my way round things a bit… In the last year, in addition to referral to spinal unit, then an MRI, then neuro referral, MS likely Dx then brain MRI, then definite MS Dx, I’ve had Gastroenterologist (I think 3 appointments), 2 procedures which resulted in a Urologist referral (2 appointments and 1 procedure) - so it’s safe to say I’ve been run a bit ragged! I’m self-employed and doing a contract at a bank so have been massively lucky, although that has meant a little pleading and appealing to peoples good nature
It’s not often that you can say your doctor’s recepionists deserves gold stars but mine have been amazing when I’ve told them my situation.
Good luck and yes, try to find a way round, I can understand why you don’t want to endanger your employment
I will have a look for a drop in centre and see if that’s viable. I’ll also give the GP surgery a call tomorrow afternoon and see if they can offer any advice. Maybe there is a really early appointment they could give me. 8.30 is normally the earliest, but maybe I’ll see if they do a late clinic instead.
Thank you so much for your replies, I feel a bit better just talking about it. Last night was particularly disturbed and painful for me, so I’ll see what tonight is like and make a decision tomorrow.
I was made redundant in May, and I just really can’t afford to be out of a job again!
Pandagal, this might sound like an odd question but are you constipated? I’ve had a week of pain in my left hip which is worse at night. It’s not actually in the hip joint but on the boney bit (iliac?). I googled it and found a link to pain in that area and constipation. Apparently trapped wind can press on nerves in that area and sciatic nerve. Took laxatives and hey presto! Still a mild pain there but nothing like as bad. Sorry for randomness, it just rang a bell!
Inflammation of the hip joint. Classic sign is tenderness over the bony part of the hip and pain/discomfort when lying on that side. Have you tried anti inflammatories? Rest and ice also help. If it’s really bad then a cortisone shot can give relief.
I am a ‘?MS’ but have experience with bursitis as my hip partially dislocates due to my EDS - so this is a recurring problem!
Inflammation of the hip joint. Classic sign is tenderness over the bony part of the hip and pain/discomfort when lying on that side. Have you tried anti inflammatories? Rest and ice also help. If it’s really bad then a cortisone shot can give relief.
I am a ‘?MS’ but have experience with bursitis as my hip partially dislocates due to my EDS - so this is a recurring problem!
Sorry - only just seen this. Thank you for the reply. It does feel tender and is certainly worse when I am laying down. It feels dislocated a lot of the time and I am constantly flinging my leg about trying to get it to ‘pop’ back in! It works sometimes with a loud ‘crack’ but then it never lasts long and starts to hurt again.
Had the worst night’s sleep so far last night, so I am so glad my drs appointment is this Thursday. I will start taking ibuprofen as a course as that what I have to do when I had tarsal tunnel syndrome in my ankle to try and reduce an swelling.
I’m only 27 and I feel like I am falling apart! Everyone at work calls me a walking disaster!!
Katalina - just wanted to tell you, you were spot on! Had my GP appt this morning and he confirmed Bursitis - so just wanted to thank you for the heads up. Will stick at the ibuprofen and hope that sorts it out soon! xx
Hi ya, that is exactly how it started with me! To the point my foot wood go so cold and numb! A couple of years on I then started to get pain in my coxit which lead to a hospital trip, my bladder then stopped working and had a week in hospital using a catheter. Doctors had no answers for why, but MS can effectively cause bladder symptoms!
For the last two years I’ve suffered in my lower spine and hip and leg on the right side. I get uncontrollable tiredness that they call fatigue, I belive that this was one of the first symtoms I had along with the aching in my leg.
I hope this doesn’t worry you. But if this happens you would at least know why, as I didn’t and it worried me, but there is no reason to worry.