sorry to hear that. there is more to u than ms…
shuts up now-realises there are some folk out there who cant see beyond the illness…
take care x
sorry to hear that. there is more to u than ms…
shuts up now-realises there are some folk out there who cant see beyond the illness…
take care x
and you choc, have fun
Well from a guy that WAS with a lady with MS and never gave her illness a second thought. My opinion is that if a guy/girl does not want to get involved deeply with someone that has MS then there a waste of space and are not “real”. You dont/cant choose who fall in love with. A lot will leg it soon as they know and those few proper people will stick it out. To me its not a big deal, we ALL have good days bad days and who ever must be there to support there other halves.
Good afternoon…
Well after reading Woblyboy’s reply I think you should PM him and I’ll buy a new hat for the wedding, ooo blokes don’t wear hats at weddings.
Seriously thoe it must be a dillema, which fortunatly I have not had to deal with, my lady has stuck with me through thick and thin and I can assure you there has been quite a lot of thin recently.
I can’t see there is a right time it’s one of them you will know when it feels right, I know thats an old cliche but there is no right time.
There is one thing, don’t give up, there is sombody out there.
Get yourself out there in the shop window, let people see you are a viberant confident young women who they had better snap up before they miss out on the best thing since sliced bread.
Probably not very well put as Woblyboy but I hope you get the sentament, your as good as the next person go for it.
I think you should talk about it if, You actually think you may like it to develope into somthing more than just dating, if it really bothers him, he’s not the one for you anyway, but most men would probably be pleased at the prospect that on a bad mobility day, you won’t be able to run away. Lol
32years iv been married, what does dating mean?? If I had known back then that I would end up with this, I would have defiantly told her, how was I to know that after serving 3 life sentences thing would get even worse, I keep my feeling secret, an old mate said his wife was an angel, I said your lucky, mines still alive, bottom line is life is just a test if you can cope with it you will cope with anything, it’s only real while your awake? Someone once said to me that when they die they will go to hell, I said what makes you think your not already there??? Hmmmm. Have a good weekend, G,Reeper. Lol
Disclosing as soon ASAP is the way to go. if they reach for their trainers, then you’re best helping to tie their laces My wife also has MS, she told me on the first night. Bit of a shocker as I didn’t even know what MS is, after furiously googling we decided to give it a go. We are still together and it’s gets worse, I was also diagnosed with MS last year, got better odds of winning the lottery than that happening again
Unfortunately for me I can see things from both sides of the fence. Honesty and openness is the best policy as far as I’m concerned.
Afternoon, this is an old post revisited, hope you are all loved up by now? and i can say WB made me laugh, good on you. Internet dating??? scary, i was fortunate enough to meet my partner 8yrs ago (Id given up my job to care for a friend and her kids whilst she has a brain tumor and he visited her, else we would never have met!!-she amazingly survived despite the odds and i found my perfect match) had we not met i have no idea as since then i have never been circumstances to meet any one, as a nanny its normaly familys, kids and teachers in my work circles and as a live in nanny that means no social circles!! i often look at friends who are single and using internet sights and thanx heavens that i never had to, as they seem so scary!! but having said that i have thought how lucky i am my man stayed with me through dx but no idea how id cope with being single or wanting back in the dating game. I kind of think whats meant to be will be (even if we dont understand at the time, my friend being ill was horrid, and i was not in a good place to meet a bloke and tried to rationalise it that now is not a good time too much going on, messed up head, streesed etc, seems it was not my choice!!Thank goodness,
A friend of mine has MS when he and his girlfriend were going to get married he got panicy, she could do better, he might be a burden, she turned round and said “its not up to you to make that choice” there are some good people out there, go find one, somehow???
embarrasing as it is its guys that normally leg it…statistics say anyway…the girls because of there caring nature do tend to not run away. Divorce is rife again statistics say,lol…statisticians what do they know.
I know it must be a huge strain if both are working full time and once has no choice but give up work We all have bills to pay and the stress of effing money is a killer but add in the mix MS…then I presume its about plans and dreams and the person who is good health takes the selfish approach and jogs on…As for internet dating thats I think has made it easier to use the old saying. and I hate these stupid saying. “plenty more fish in the sea”
I say to anyone that jogs on from there partner/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend by using there illness maybe an easy way out but you are going to end up with a “downgrade” who may be ok in the beginning but cud so easily turn into “karma”
Hi, I met my now husband 3 yrs after my diagnosis, I was upfront with him regarding my illness after I new it was getting serious. He never had any issues with it and we have now been married 18 months. We are both in are fifties and on are second marriages but I have never been happier. So yes there is chance of happiness even with ms!!!