Ow yus! There are some VERY strange people on there!
I paid £30 of my hard earned Government money to join a Disabled Dating site for three months I’d looked at the free ones but they had to be paid for eventually. All the ‘Pay for View’ sites are expensive and ,wait for it…about trying to hook up the patrons with prostitutes.I haven’t contacted any of these very young and attractive ladie,but that is how it looks.
There are some genuine girls on there,but nobody within 100 miles,even though I’d stipulated 10 miles.'Praps they’ve got nobody on their books who lives locally.
What I will say is “Never give up”, and what you’re looking for can come from anywhere, probably when your least expecting it.
Wb x
ps A friend of mine sits with her mate perusing the ‘Goods’. It’s their favourite Soap Opera and only costs a couple of bottles of vino
Good grief Wb! I don’t think my (government sponsored) piggy bank would stand the shock of even the ‘finders fee’!
I responded to an email from a very nice seeming gentleman who said he was an engineer. The subsequent emails became increasingly odd. Apparently he was working on a contract in Nigeria and said I was a ‘beautiful lady’ and ‘if he had a woman like me he would look after her very well’ in broken English. I would imagine it would have gone along the lines of wanting to come and see me but problems with the bank etc…If something seems too good to be true, it’s because it usually is!
Mags xx
Mags,you’d be surprised what the Government pay for nowadays. For example,if everybody stopped buying cigarettes I reckon that petrol would be £3 a litre a few days later. My ten cigarettes a day are good for morale and doing their bit for the economy.
I worry about the Nigerian economy as there always seems to be people with their tales of woe asking for financial help.I wish I could help in some small way,but I’d rather be patriotic and prop up our Government.
Maybe we should start Pen Pals again on the totally unused Asian Board.Could I use a crayon or a marker pen,as they’re easier to hold,and I can see what I’ve written. You could be in charge of handing out the paper and envelopes if you like,and I’d apply the stamps and take the letters to the post box.Would we allow any French ones?
Wb xx
Oh wb you do make me laf
And then I read your profile that your hobby is fiddling with things!!
Hello Pip,yes it is. I constantly make modify and adapt things to help myself. I’ve touted some of the ideas around various organisations,but 'cos disability gear is just pushed out of China with no R+D,nobody is interested. I should produce a catalogue.
You’re not inferring anything else about my fiddling are you?
Today is the 11th anniversary of my diagnosis,and 'cos things are getting tougher I’ve finally asked the Social Services to come and perform an assessment. They will be pretty perturbed by how I cope,and will see things they haven’t seen before,so it should be a hoot.
Wb x
As if!!!
I am sure you will make the assessment entertaining reading for us…and you never know ‘the special one’ may be about to knock on your door.
Take care
Perusing the goods… well i had a look last night and i think im definitely avoiding it even if i do have vino, the headliners outdid the pictures ‘‘its me you’re looking for’’ ‘‘too good to be true’’ and ‘‘single man with 4 budgies looking for the one’’ ? what!
Theres something to be said for waiting for fate,
Wb im sure you will pass your assessment with flying colours…and lots of entertainment in the process, why is there no one in the asian section? get the crayons out…if we’re not allowed pen pals due to our eh…vulnerability we will at least be allowed to draw some pictures with the blunt crayons
Hehe Wb! Happy to oblige since you seem to be doing most of the work! I could pin down the paper with my body when I need a quick snooze and folks can help themselves (well, to the paper anyway!). Not sure where to put the crayons though!
It does sound like top entertainment Cat, may have a peruse myself this evening if I get bored with Spider Solitaire!
Good luck with your assessment Wb & please do report back as to how you put them through their paces. I would say ‘happy anniversary’ (ooh, I just did!) but well done you and here’s to the next eleven!
M xx
PS - Great idea about taking over the Asian board but 'tis a shame we can’t have our own…
Thank you all for your kind worms,as the can is now open.PM me if you want the name of the ‘Knocking Shop’ that is the biggest free one in the UK. A couple of wrong clicks and I’d have an Albanian wife by monday and her brothers moving in wednesday. I’ve found a way of glancing at the other blokes’ profiles…I know I can brandish a quill,but I’m Shakespearian compared to the majority of themThis means I know how a bird can look at the other birds’ profiles.
I feel that there may be a bit too much ‘High End Innuendo’ for this humble Bored,and those who wish to talk about the debacle which is internet dating may wish to adjourn to the gaping chasm which is the Asian Community Board.
Whilst talking to a mate this afternoon it becomes apparent that I’m looking at the forthcoming assessment resa about face.If they can re-house me in an adapted abode,wet room,electric door,indoor parking and charging for both buggies etc my life would be much easier. WE’VE got a problem that the buildings insurance company won’t insure my block 'cos of my buggies. They will insure eventually 'cos it is all about them losing money in all other parts of their market.
Can’t you tell I just put a new morphine patch on.I hate typing. Oh,'cos none of my benefits are means tested I should be able to keep the money from selling my flat…PARTY
Wb x
Maybe you (I exclude myself as a married bloke) should challenge this SOVA thing head on. I’m really not convinced they are applying it in the kinds of context it was intended for. Who sees themselves as vulnerable using this site in comparison say to the average Joe?
This is an interesting subject as i find myself now single after 3 years after the so called one couldnt cope with my ms, and have been internet dating cautiously. i say that, but still got caught out , the guy that didnt look like his photo as taken 2o years ago, etc, But am a firm believer that if you find the right one they wont really care about your ms, and just see your good points, I have experiminated with keeping it quiet and being up front about it and the reaction has been a mixed bag. So i would just say go with your gut instinct. Of course be careful when on meds, as i have gone back when they have worn off and had the most random messages due to something i have written. oops!
to all on here great advice and good to be able to share the experiences.
keep fishing and crayons at the ready
In my opinion it’s the women who are often not honest, although it’s always the males who bear this brand.
I have sat lately with women on a date all proclaiming nice things before dinner, then the usual ‘I just want to be friends’ after and when they know the score. I don’t know why they couldn’t be honest up front, and share the tab at the end.
I was on an umpteenth date last week and told her my life story as it looked as if it was going somewhere. That was it. It had been nice leading up to it, everything seemed just great. In the end she couldn’t handle it. I have never heard from her since.
Man perspective from the opposite side:
I’m on the nursery slopes of the romantic Everest with a lady I met on the train a month back.
On the first proper date, I mentioned numbness and tingling - this was pre diagnosis - and suggested a range of possibilities, going from tumours through MS all the way down to trapped nerve. We laughed, “it will all be OK, you’ll see”, on to the next cocktail.
On date two, amid general chat, I lingered on the MS angle a little more. She was non-plussed. It’s not a disease that the wider population have a grasp of, in my limited experience.
By date three I’m in possession of presumptive diagnosis, so I know what’s what and, if anything, now seeing that actually it would be damned cruel to allow the relationship to bloom.
Potentially lumbering this vibrant, smart, sexy girl with a future heap of burdens, woes and chores is not good karma, regardless of the fun few years we might have before any serious decline sets in.
Managing expectations is what it’s all about.
Hi Not a bloke either but have the start of a story to tell. My last relationship ended just over a year ago. He never said it was because of MS but it definitley was a large part of it. I had just been diagnosed when we first got together so no reason for him to be surprised. Anyway about 10 weeks ago I joined a dating website. In my profile I just said I am not as fit as I used to be but still like to challenge myself. Got chatting to a guy and told him in the second email about the MS. Unfortunately we haven’t met yet but that is because he is abroad on business. We chat but typing and get to speak on yahoo a couple of times a week and it is fantastic! We have got so close I think this is the way everyone should start out. We talk about anything and everything. We hope to meet very soon and I really believe this will be a good relationship. He asks about my health but is not obsessed by it. He is caring but not smothering and lots of other things I want from a relationship. I will keep you updated! Internet dating is not for every one but I know several couples who have met this way and it has Ben good. Obviously lots of things to think about first but at least it is worth thinking about. Good luck!
Hi all, im steve and new to the site,
i was in a relationship til recently but i think she got scared of my ms and am now single and hating it, trying to meet new friends and partners is anightmare, iv never not disclosed my ms. hopefully something good will come along and break themonotomy…
It is a difficult question even for a man to answer since i have ms too…I suppose if you meet someone and they run away because you have ms or any other condition, you know right away that they are not for you!!! when i tell people i have ms, first reaction is usually due to the ignorance of what ms is.Better be upfront anyway and if they dont run away than you are on to something good if they do it is their loss…
good luck!
Thing is, wer’d been together for 6 years and she always knew of my ms…so where the justice
may i be so brave to suggest its very little to do with u having ms? maybe you just grew apart? its easy to blame ms-but is it really to blame? only u know the answer-am not asking you-am just hoping that u ask youself the question.
take care-thats genuine-ur emotions are all over place at min and thats not surprising. i used my diagnosis to take a truthful look at myself-i didnt even like me! if i didnt like me-nothing to do with ms-then why should someone else?!
ellie x
It was def the ms choc, things were good until my last bad relapse and mental health issue that started around the same time, then kaput