Hi guys, +4000 posts WOW… Hope you have a good weekend and if the gorgilla is playing up kick him and if you can kick, you can’t be that bad!
Take care, be safe and Oh! and
Hi guys, +4000 posts WOW… Hope you have a good weekend and if the gorgilla is playing up kick him and if you can kick, you can’t be that bad!
Take care, be safe and Oh! and
Hahaha… just make sure he don’t kick you back!
Nice to see you M…
All is well with me. Gorilla being a bit dozy which means I’m a bit dozy but hey it’s a grey old day out so I’m taking it easy. Went coffee morning in lounge this morning (although we all drink tea but ‘tea morning’ doesn’t sound right somehow). Lots of chat with my lovely neighbours and scheme manager… and I sat stroking our beautiful cat Lucas.
Hope everyone is doing ok…
Love Pat xxx
Nice to see you both and glad the gorilla doesn’t seem to be too much in evidence. Have been so happy to see some sunshine this week. It really lifts the spirits! I think it’s going to get quite cold again tomorrow though. Grrrr! I have the cold! Keep as well as can be! Teresa xx
I agree! I always say coffee morning although we all drink tea. You are right, tea morning just doesn’t come off the tongue easily!
Do yu mind me asking Pat? Do you live in some sort of communal or sheltered housing? If so, are you on your own there, I mean without a partner? You sound so comfortable and happy being there if so. Good for you.
Enjoy the cat, give him a stroke from me.
Hi Anne, don’t mind you asking at all. Yes I live in sheltered housing. It’s housing for people over 55 with a health problem. I moved here 3 years ago as couldn’t manage where I was living. Had a mortgage (benefits paid the interest but I was very worried that might change), was too far from shops but mostly because I lived on 6th floor and lift kept breaking down & would take weeks for them to fix it (and by then I couldn’t manage stairs).
It was a big step as I was only 56… but turned out to be the best move I’ve ever made. Very nice people here and I feel very safe. Just up the street from very busy shopping centre which is accessable on scooter. We have emergency cords & pendants in case we fall. There are activities so even if I can’t go out I don’t feel isolated. The manager makes sure we have got all the benefits & aids and adaptations we need (I have level-access shower installed last year)… oh and yes we have a gorgeous cat Lucas!
I live on my own yes but have a partner (female) who I see at weekends. We’ve decided not to live together… our lifestyles are complete opposites… but she has been very supportive with all this MS stuff. But people do live in sheltered with partners… you don’t have to be single providing one of the couple is over 55 with health problem.
I’ll shut up now before your eyes start glazing over!!!
Hope you’re doing ok Anne. Are the family being any more supportive?
Pat xx
Sorry Pat I did not answer your last question about my family. No they are not being any more supportive. My husband is great, it is the bigger family. If I mention how I am feeling (I don’t usually tell anyone that I am feeling bad. But I do think you should be able to show your real feelings to someone don’t you?) it is just ignored. My sister told me that she was going to phone me the other night. I said that would be good as I was feeling the MS is biting at the moment, I only have only limb working properly and the pain… I was feeling a big fragile. Anyway she rang. The whole time she was talking with her boyfriend on the other end, told me all her news, didn’t ask what my problems were and then rang off because the boyfriend needed her! I don’t want people being all over me feeling sorry for me, just an interested question sometime, understanding that you might need some tlc, you know what I mean. Anyway, I have to give up expecting them to change. They are not going to.
I am feeling a little better today and not so down. My thryoid tablets have been upped so that should be good soon.
Night night all,