Where is that yellow orb????


Has anyone seen the sun recently? It was last spotted around my neck of the woods on 4th November. I would love to know where it has popped to?

Have you got it? If so I can I lend it for a day or two, please?


Hey Marty

Its here! Well sort of. It keeps breaking through, I’ve even got washing on the line, doors and windows open! That’ll be the kiss of death I’m sure.

Sunny Cornwall!!


Sorry Marty, we have been holding onto it up here in Scotland to make up for its absence during the summer months. I think it may make a show if you dance round the clothes line in your underwear shouting come back, come back it might return .

Have a good one


Oh yes, I remember the sun, it was good was’nt it, I hope it comes back one. David



Has anyone seen the sun recently? It was last spotted around my neck of the woods on 4th November. I would love to know where it has popped to?

Have you got it? If so I can I lend it for a day or two, please?


[/quote] Hi,My Brother informs skye has the big orb…bless them as weather is not always good up there rain winds grey…so let them have it for a while …linda

Hi Marty, I haven’t seen it either but I hope it comes back sometime soon. If you do see it can you send some my way too please. Cheryl:)

I am very happy to report that the great yellow glow in the sky has made an appearance in Wes Yorkshire this morning.


Hi Marty,

I hope that you won’t be jealous, but the yellow orb is currently here. I saw it in our pond this morning! I was so pleased to see it, but the closer I got to it, the more it shrank away, as a frightening dome-shaped monstrosity seemed to take over the orb. It soon returned when I moved away, so all I can say is that it is playing hard to get!


Taa Daaaaah!

It’s here!!

It’s wonderful. A whole week without a glimmer and now…gleeming!


Marty - Basking in it - who needs to go abroad!

Hey hissnsid i love your avatar, i grew up with oor willy and still get the sunday post every week.

best paper in the world.
