I am really worried about the future. My husband has MS. Secondary progressive. What happens if I can’t look after him and work? Is there any support from the state? What if he needs 24/7 care? We still have a mortgage to pay and children to look after. Would be go into a home? Would I have to fund it? I’m so scared of what will happen abd how I’m going to cope. I know this may sound selfish but I can’t help but worry about the impact to the whole family and the future.
OK take a deep breath i know you must be so worried who wouldnt be. so is your husband still working now then? You say you have a mortgage to be paid. I am assuming its being paid now?
really you would have been better posting this on the looking after someone board as there will be people on there who can help you.
Or do you work?
You need benefit advice, and care advice. i would contact ADULT social care in your area and they can send someone to you to advice you. He maybe already able to have care. You can apply for Direct Payments for example this is money from the government and it pays for someone to come in and care for you husband etc, and YOU become an employer and pay that person. Its all very easy to apply for. Was a godsend to me when i needed help for myself.
Your first phone call tomorrow is adult social services they will help and advice you.
I am so sorry your going through this it must be quite scary. Also as you have children you will be able to apply for better benefits. Another point too you might be able to reduce your mortgage payments to go over a longer term. I would talk to your mortgage lender for advice.
also perhaps ask on the careing for someone section. I hope you get help; x
Thank you. Yes I do work but we are mortgaged til I’m 70. We did that to be able to own a home (we couldn’t afford a house otherwise.) So that means there is not really any mortgage options for us. We don’t have any family that can help either. I earn admit more than my husband. His work is self employed. I know he is still working but I don’t see him doing this for much longer. Can’t sleep at night with worrying about the future.
Hi, I know it is a worrying situation. Is there a possibility of taking equity out of the house? That may not suit your situation…then it can affect benefits like paying for care. I have DPs and have to pay towards it…depends on your financial circumstances. What about PIP? Does hubby get that? If he needs care, then he should be entitled to it. Doesn’t sound right re hubby going into care… Bouds xx Social services can do a care assessment…
you’re getting ahead of yourself - m.s. creates massive problems but not everything happens at once. And it’s difficult to plan ahead because you don’t what exactly is going to happen and when it’s going to happen. At the moment it sounds as if you’re doing o.k. - hopefully things will continue like that and if in the future problems arise than you have to respond – but not everything is going to happen at once - and try to convince husband of that!
honestly contact your local ADULT SOCIAL SERVICES, they will do a care assessment and you could get direct payments which would help even if your have your own home its down to savings not the house.
also have you applied for PIP. big hugs, i know its worrying but it might not happen as not everyone gets really sick with MS. xxx
How you feeling now chick?
Do you have critical illness cover on your mortgage? MS would be a qualifying condition I think?