Unfortunately I had a nasty fall 6 weeks ago & ended up with a fractured hip. Following a hip replacement I then spent x 3 weeks in Hospital recovering from the Operation and trying to walk again.
Having had MS for over 30 years my improvement was frustratingly slow.
I have now been in a rehab home for 2 weeks and can still barely stand up let alone walk. I am so scared that I won’t ever walk again.
When I do get to go home I will need the bathroom to be a wet room. Does anyone know how I can start the process?
Sue x
Oh no, what a horrid thing to happen. I really feel for you. I fell over too at the end of August and, while I haven’t done myself anything like the damage you have suffered, I was in a knee brace for a couple of months and am on the rehab journey like you. Frustratingly slow progress it is, too! Not made easier by the uneasy fear that one will not fully recover such function as one had before. Do you find yourself looking back with yearning at the state you were in before the accident? Even if it didn’t feel super-wonderful at the time? Me too.
Anyway, wet rooms. Make sure you get a provider who knows what he or she is doing. That sounds obvious, but I failed to do it and (on behalf of a family member) engaged someone who turned out not to have a clue. The whole lot needed ripping out and starting again. Please do not let that happen to you. Experience is crucial (as sad experience teaches me). If I was ordering a wet room now, I would want to talk to previous happy clients and preferably see the work. Hard when you’re so hampered by injury, I know. But don’t take it on trust that people know how to fit a wet room even if they claim that they do.
Good luck with your recovery.
Hi Sue!
That’s a horrible time you’ve been having. Hopefully you’re on the way up now. I think most, if not all, local authorities have what it’s called a “care and repair” team, and they do things like home adaptations. It’s done on a shoestring though, and some of it is means tested. I only mention it because I spoke to them about recommendations for some contractors that I could use myself to get some work done on the house. They might be a useful place to start. If you’ve got a local MS support group in your area they might be Worth asking as well, and if they’ve got a group on Facebook they’ll be easy to get hold of. Good luck with it all, keep safe.
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Hiya Alison
Thanks for your advice. How awful for you to have to have had the first wet room ripped out! As if we didn’t have enough on our plates!
Hope you’re happy with the wet room now? xx
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