Weird legs

Oh woe is me, despite the massive toblerones I’m getting through, my legs have turned to jelly in school today. I was (am) walking like a weird one. Even though there’s nothing I can do about it I was still saying I must be making it up and exaggerating it.

I’ve just had a cold so maybe this is a temporary after affect? I don’t feel that overwhelming fatigue I expect when ‘relapsing’ so could this be a pseudo thing even though I’ve never been like this before? Who has jelly legs? Ridiculous illness! Feeling quite cross and confused with myself.

Enjoy your extra shopping treats ladies

Not jelly legs but wiered legs. I can walk upstairs ok but when I walk downstairs my legs tremble a little when I move to the next step, my leading leg is ok but the one left on the step above trembles when my knee is bent. Probably doesn’t make any sense to anyone but that is the best description I can come up with.

Oh deb, you have no idea. I went for the toblerone and came out…at hubby’s insistence, ahem…"…with Krispy creme donuts. Salted caramel, butterscotch fudge and chocolate heaven On a serious note…yes I get the jelly legs. I decided to prove to myself today, that I DO NOT have MS and walked into and around tesco. Wobbled all over the place and whilst hubby was looking at the mags, wandered off to the loo, for the billionth time and collapsed into some poor fella’s arms on the way out. His kids were more surprised than him!! Felt really stupid. Am now creamed and the numbness is spreading and getting worse. Sod it. I am unusually hacked off and have been for days. Chinese takeaway for tea. Followed by donuts. And if that doesn’t do the trick…

Was he handsome?

Dunno…I was too busy grovelling into his groin area as I pitched forward and grabbed his waist.

Sooo…MrsH - that sounds like I am today - do you have brief moments of looking/walking ok which then goes wrong? I’m walking around at home trying to prove that I’m making it up. I’ve washed up etc thinking ‘hey, see, told you so, you’re a fraud woman’ but actually I know I’m not. Befuddling! x

Yep. I would say this afternoon was a classic example of walking going wrong. Honest, there was nothing I could do. My legs just gave way. I feel like its all of big fat mistake or like its not really happening. I can’t take it in at all. I think it doesn’t help that the neuro just didn’t help at all and made me feel like I was exaggerating. So, yes, I try and prove to myself, that it’s all ok and then generally one of three things happens 1 I make a big fat useless fool of myself 2 I completely tucker myself out 3 I injure myself or somebody else


I hope you’re on the mend soon. I have to say I recognise this in me too! I regularly have ‘wobbly’ moments and often crash into things (the floor and other people included ) I also regularly insist that I am ‘fine’ and that I ‘can do it myself’. On rare moments I am proved right but most of the time I end up: shattered, in pain and defeated. I am going to keep going though because whatever is causing my body to do this isn’t going to beat me.

On another note, I am very jealous of all the choccies being consumed - I am housebound at the minute and hubby is in London for work so won’t get back to Cheshire until 11.30ish so no choccie for me. Although, our Tesco is a 24hr one so maybe I could convince him to pop in on his way home Doubt it though, as my GP has banned me from consuming caffeine and, according to the hubby, chocolate contains caffeine I’m not convinced. Anyone out there got fab nutritional knowledge? Does Chocolate contain caffeine? Please tell me that my lovely hubby is wrong on this one!

Rae x

Yep I’m afraid it does… but I think by the time its processed and mixed with milk and sugar and given some yummy crunchie bits or nougat bits and made into square shapes the caffeine must be all gone!

I’m a wobbly legged freak at the moment with a leg that seems to bend backwards after walking forwards so I’ve got a fab excuse to sit on my posterior all evening - although I do want to go hear the bands at the village hall with my bottle of wine and fish n chips… hmmm (Although remaining chirpy I do admit to a little tear or two)


Hi Deb,

I hope you did go and enjoy the bands at the village hall last night. Thanks for answering my question about chocolate and caffeine athough I didn’t like the answer I think I might bend the rules on that one (bad I know) as the only reason the GP said no caffeine is because she refuses to believe that my bladder issues are a symptom and instead says that they are the results of an overactive bladder - maybe she is right, afterall she is the one with the medical degree. Do try and stay positive and chirpy; I know it’s hard (I’ll admit a tear or two myself too) but that tenacity and ability to find the humour in it (even when it’s black) is what will get us all through.


Rae x

Hello Rae - I hope you’ve bent the rules! The amount of caffeine in choccy is too miniscule to bother your bladder I think, coffee is the worst culprit followed by tea and Green tea is pretty bad too. Fruity tea is good. I reckon I’m on a bit of a relapse but did manage to enjoy the bands thanks (of varying abilities but great fun). Hope you’re having a good Sunday! Deb x

I agree with deb. I avoid coffee because of bladder irritability and find if I give in to a vanilla latte, I suffer for it fairly quickly…however…I have not had any such problems with chocolate. And would say my increase has probably, no definitely, gone up. A mixture of the time of year and realising that this is no time for deprivation of life’s little pleasures!! So…go for it and enjoy every mouthful. Xx

hi, i too have the ‘funny leg’. i have a tendancy to sit on the sofa with one leg folded under me. i went to sit down last night, backed up to the sofa, lifted my left leg in readyness to slide it under myself on sitting, - enter funny leg - pirouetted twice in circles and landed on the other sofa at a right angle to said first sofa. 22yr old daughter just looked at me and raised her eyebrows. i have been in ‘limbo’ for 3yrs, having been diagnosed with myelitis then with a lesion at C6/7, and having another brain and cervical spine mri on 15th dec due to poss relapse - but at least my falls and slides - (4ft on my grandaughters barbie car last week) keep the family entertained! on the other side of the coin, i am feeling quite/very down and depressed at the moment. not sure if its my age, 50 nxt year or just really want to know whats going on with my body.

best wishes to all x

Debc & MrsH,

You’ll be glad to know that I caved and had a chocolate biscuit and a hot chocolate, what’s more it appeared to have no negative impact on my bladder So I shall continue to chomp away! My legs are still being weird though, the wobbling makes me look like I am doing a bad Elvis impression I have to swing my left leg in an arc to be able to get upstairs, but it’s an improvement; two weeks ago I had to go up and down stairs on my bum. I keep kidding myself that my wobbliness is not noticeable and then one of my family cracks a joke or makes a comment about it. My nan told me yesterday that I am walking like I did as a small child with my knee and foot of my left leg turned in.

Best wishes to everyone and thanks for the kind words, they made me smile.

Rae x

Woo Hoo!!! Go girlfriend. We are going to have to start a choccy woccy do dah thread, on who’s succumbing to which guilty pleasure…without the guilt of course!! Keep smiling Xx