Well today my leg has felt really odd. Its not numb (although it is the leg I have a totally numb big toe and sole of heel) just has felt like I have a freezing cold leg all day like its been out in snow and that sensation when you have lain funny on it goes a bit to sleep. Driving me mad. I can walk etc but want to rip it off like a barbie doll leg to get rid of sensation. My eyes are blurring worse than usual today too. No real point in this just having a moan so feel free to slap me Axx
Hey Arwen
Don’t worry, not gonna slap you! I get this feeling in my leg and it’s horrible. I end up sitting with a blanket round my legs like an old lady as it feels so cold.
Strangely enough, my eyes are not fab at the moment either.
At least we are not alone in good old Limboland!
Really hope you’re feeling a bit brighter soon xx
My left lower leg is always like that. I second the wanting to rip it off. I’m thinking an axe would be easier than ripping x
Keep your legs on, ladies!!! I’ve only had odd feeling shins, also a numb big toe and twitchy thighs and calves (and as if my body heard me, I now get a zingy feeling under my left foot, something imaginary biting that ankle and tight muscles…) Do you get odd sensations in one leg more than the other? My left seems to be more affected. I think all these odd experiences are eroding my trust in my own body, even though I’m lucky to be near normal, I know that my knee and hip have suddenly given way before so the thought is there that it might happen again but worse. I manage to walk my daughter to school (that’s four, one mile trips for me!) I love walking and rely on it as I don’t drive, so it must be natural to have any hint of ‘not working normally’ to bring up fears. Arwen, does exercise help your leg or make it worse?
Keep your legs on, ladies!!! I’ve only had odd feeling shins, also a numb big toe and twitchy thighs and calves (and as if my body heard me, I now get a zingy feeling under my left foot, something imaginary biting that ankle and tight muscles…) Do you get odd sensations in one leg more than the other? My left seems to be more affected. I think all these odd experiences are eroding my trust in my own body, even though I’m lucky to be near normal, I know that my knee and hip have suddenly given way before so the thought is there that it might happen again but worse. I manage to walk my daughter to school (that’s four, one mile trips for me!) I love walking and rely on it as I don’t drive, so it must be natural to have any hint of ‘not working normally’ to bring up fears. Arwen, does exercise help your leg or make it worse?
Left side worse for me. Although, when I had an infection I couldn’t flex my feet towards body without pain, and right side was worse then x
Everything is on the right side for me…
Thanks for not slapping me and Reikiblossom me and MrsChicca can only promise to try not to rip leg off. It was right side for me when I had my symptoms earlier this year that has stopped and now left. Still blurry vision but realised its actually in my rt eye and if I shut that one its ok lol Axx
Hello Arwen and fellow dodgy leg-ers! Mine’s left leg - started with numb sole & now get weird knee sensations. It sometimes feels like I’ve got a tubigrip around it and other times like it has it’s own climate and is chilly when the rest of me is warm. Reiki blossom - my leg ‘went’ on holiday in August but has held up since then. I also walk to school & back & I’ve just started swimming which all seem to help. I have overdone it before when I pushed myself too hard & my leg went all shaky which was a new thing for me. So far I think I’m holding it all at bay! I know what you mean about ripping your leg off! I sometimes feel if I took mine off and gave it a big shake it would sound like one of those rainmaker toys! Think I’ve been hanging around with my 3 year old for too long…! Jane xxx
Yes what a good description like tight tubi grip on the leg. I love the rainmakers and agree that if we could shake our legs out like them it would be great. Axx
Also how obvious is and what is drop foot? Just now going upstairs I noticed that my left foot seemed to hang down as I lifted my foot to climb but haven’t noticed a real problem walking other than feels weird cos of leg. Just flexed my feet up and can really flex back rt side left I can only flex it to what would actually be normal level walking position no further back (I am slightly hyper mobile more so to left ankle following ligament damage to rt). Axx
Drop foot i believe is when your foot drops and you drag it like it’s floppy and have no control (from my observation of my mother-in-law, she had diabetic neuropathy).
I have a leg too lol my left leg is numb from the top of my thigh to my toes, I can feel presure so i know when somethings there but i couldn’t tell you what it was anything from temp or whether its sharp or not. I always say it’s not mine and I’ve put someone else’s leg on by mistake
The only way i can explain how it feels is like mild pins and needles all the time, it’s noticably weaker than my right leg and it feels like the more i make it work the tighter the muscle feels. I woke up one morning and it was just there.
It’s one of my many symptoms that I dont think will ever go away, oh well onward and upwards
Jo xxx
I’ve also had what feels like a missing kneecap on right side. I can still walk, but when I take a step it feels like my kneecap isn’t there.
Weird isn’t it about what feels like it isn’t there. I told neuro that sometimes it feels like my whole leg has disappeared when I walk but clearly it hasn’t as I’m walking and that would be a miracle to just diaappear lol Axx
My L leg is weird too! My partner tells me I walk like an elephant which is unusual considering I weigh 46 Kilos! I think it’s because I can’t feel properly with my L foot. I’m also clumsy - I’m so prone to bumping and banging into things - like the wall or the side of the bed.
I find I’m worse after exercise or bath, I feel like my L leg isn’t listening to me and responding as quickly as it should. It has pins and needles and a water dropping down it sensation which I petty much can ignore unless I’m sat not doing anything - then I notice it’s still there. Was much worst with my first episode as it would feel like I had water squelching in my shoe - which of course I didn’t. It’s flared back up with this latest episode. I can relate to the tubi grip sensation too I get that round the lower part of my leg.
Unfortunately my issue isn’t contained to my L leg but also my b-hind and genitals! I was hoping it would have got better by now but no sign. Hard when your partner says are you enjoying it/ is it good for you and it’s not because you can’t feel anything but it’s no reflection on their performance (blush - sorry too much detail).
What a dodgy collection limbs we have!
How does your partner cope with that? Mines really struggling with my lack of energy/sex drive.
And today, the foot is coming off. Toe spasms are making my entire foot ache.
I know I waddle like a duck sometimes and drag my feet a bit too cos I can hear them scuffing along corridors and have to make a real effort to pick my feet up. Axx
The best way for me to describe footdrop oi that I go to step and at the actual moment I think I’ve lifted (ball of the foot & toes) they stay there, I feel like I’ve lifted my leg but the foot is still grounded so I don’t realise and often fall over it - It’s much like have part of your foot chained to the floor.
After something Boudica (Polly) said, I tried walking backwards (which isn’t to be recommended when you don’t have rear-view mirrors on your person!) and the length of the paces etc. is like I USED to be able to walk forwards! The footdrop isn’t a problem backwards, if you drop you kind of moonwalk really! It’s weird, even the spasticity is not so bad backwards.
Now if I need to cover a little distance, I walk in a diagonal line, it kind of works to a fashion
Sonia x
Thanks Sonia mine doesn’t do that then I just can’t dorsiflex that foot very well compared to the other. My leg really bugged me today with that dead leg sensation at its worst so far I limped round everywhere and had to do stairs one at a time good leg first as it just felt weird to put weight on that side. Axx
My calves have tightened like crazy since friday - and no I haven’t done any excessive working out. It’s like they’re stone L worse than R and really painful to touch. Had this happen once before and it ended up developing into a spasm which was v painfully. So been trying to get my partner to massage which is a torture in itself.
What fun!