I am trying to find something that could help with my walking as I cannot hold a stick in my hand because of the pain in my hands. Normally when I go anywhere I hold on to my Husband, but I want to be able to get about on my own a bit as well. Any suggestions please?
Just wondering if it would be easier to use crutches. You would still need to use your hands of course, but as some of the strain would be born by your arms, maybe it would be a little easier for you. Have you asked a physio or an OT for advice? Might be helpful hun.
Take a look at smartcrutch.co.uk One of the guys posted about them on here last year.
I only go out with my husband so didn’t feel the need to buy, I was tempted though. I did pass on the website to a friend with mobility issues, who bought himself a pair. He is very impressed with th
That’s a bit odd for you when pain in your hands affects your walking.It might be a big step(megalol), but maybe something electric could be the solution.A scooter,car portable or otherwise would need relatively light ‘hand action’ so you can whizz around.I’ve always maintained that once you find an efficient routine for a scooter,the whole getting around experience is fun and once you’re home you’ll have more energy, so you can do star jumps or whatever you fancy to exercise your legs.
Hi, I use a rollator, like you I used to link my husband (hang out of him really) now I have to use the rollator all the time as i need support for both arms now. Its great and it gives me and my OH so much independence. hope this helps . Hugs
Oh dear Blossom, I am afraid that I have ordered grey ones as I knew that If I ordered a nicer colour I would always wish I had ordered a different one whereas grey is just grey.