A bit of help...again

Hope you are all as well as can be.
Just a wee question if any of you lovely folk could help?
I have had a lovely summer albeit not done much, about the house a lot with friends colleagues visiting regularly. My choice as I am not confident to head out these days.
I am back to work tomorrow and I know the walking/mobility has dipped a bit but I am determined to head back and try my best.
The question I have is this, I currently use a walking stick but have had a few wee falls, and have been caught short when the surface has been wet and the stick slips… down I go.
Wondering if I should get tripod bottoms for the stick, would that help?
Sorry for the rabble and thanks if you can helpxx

I use two nordic poles as walking aids with wider ferrules on their feet when outdoors.
They aid my balance when I’m walking, especially on an incline or decline.

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Thank you so much for your reply and I hope you are good.

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The most important thing is keeping safe and it might be time to look at a rollator, for a bit of added security. Most have a seat so you can take a rest when needed, which is an awful lot better than a potentially damaging fall.
Determination is admirable, but not to the point of being reckless.

I hope you find a solution that works for you.


Thank you so much for your very honest reply, my husband totally agrees with what you are saying and deep down I do too.

I will be giving it my best shot tomorrow and will promise to be sensible. My body will let me know.
Its a new adaption I may have to take and I will.
Mary .x


I do exactly the same. Two poles are a whole lot better than one.

Thank you Alison.

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Hi Mary. I tend to think along the lines of Whemmel I.e - take careand don’t risk a bad fall ( I’m saying this after my wife - who is quite fit and doesn’t have MS or anything like that - recently tripped , fell badly and fractured bones in her shoulder. She will be spending the next 4-5 with her arm held tight and immobile in a sling). Try a Rollator or even a small mobility scooter . I use a scooter for anything over say 15 minutes of walking . It took me a while to give up/ give in to buying a scooter but having got over that hurdle the scooter has made a positive difference. I think that some mobility shops will rent out Rollators so you could try one for a week and see how you get on?

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Hello to all you lovely folk and thank you for your very considerate replies.
Well I managed Monday and Tuesday back at work and although I was very nervous/tense I manged it slowly.
I am going to work as normal and have spoken to my management with regard to me dropping my days.
I am a good bit slower but have managed back and will see how it goes. Thanks again


A wee update I have reduced my working week. Now have a Thursday off which is ideal as I have my treatment on Thursdays so I don’t have to ask for time off for this. Hopefully it will just give me a wee boost, even if I’m doing my housework etc, it mean I can completely turn off at the weekend. Apart from schoolwork.
Thanks again
Mary x


Glad to hear you reached a compromise that works for you. Always a good idea to keep our teachers happy.

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Thanks again for your kind reply. Today I spoke with ms nurses and it is the first time ever that i found this lady quite patronising.
I only rang to ask a wee question, but maybe it was a busy day for her.
The occupational health team text to say they will be calling me next week to discuss things after the boss referred me,(just referred this morning-quick) I am glad as it keeps everyone right, the boss especially as wouldn’t want them not aware of things that have changed.
Onwards and upwards and thanks a million everyone again.


Hello to all you lovely folk, just a wee update. I had my tysabri treatment today and when we initially arrived on the ward the nursing sister said I was getting a review.
I was surprised and the ward sister said the ms nurse and arranged it for me to be seen by the ward neurologist.
He very kindly seen me and did quite a thorough examination and then e mailed my neurologist who then came down to the ward and asked a few questions followed by an examination.
Doctor then arranged for me to have an “urgent” brain MRI tomorrow morning. Doctor used the word “urgent”.
I am not overly worried, just be glad to get it done tomorrow.
I mentioned the falls and also the dizziness and they seemed very interested in my eyes when doing the “follow the finger with my eyes”, saying my eyes seemed to be jumping?
My neurologist mentioned work and although he said it would be my decision he said that I should really focus on me and as he thinks I have changed quite a bit work maybe too much now.
I do feel as though things have declined so will see what this MRI says.
Thanks again for reading and I hope all are as well as can be.


I have to say I really thought the ms nurse did not really listen to me last week, how very wrong was I?
I had such great, caring treatment today thanks to her e.mailing them.


Hello to all and I hope you are all doing ok.
Well the results of MRI are back and it is stable with no change, I am so very relieved as I was worried of new lesions.
I spoke with the neuro today and he said that I can continue with the Tysabri and the physio will examine/assess me when I am in the ward and she will be able to determine progression? This kind of shocked me as I thought you would see progression on the MRI but that’s not the case he said.
My right leg is still as bad, just dragging so I’m hoping the physio can assist.
I follow all the exercises the physio gave me many years ago but the right leg does not comply at all.
Thank you to each and everyone of you for your kind replies yet again.
I will keep you all posted.
Mary x