Alpha lipoic is a right find for me - natures best antioxidant its called - which help stop degeneration caused by free radicals. There have been a few studies that show slight improvement in relapse rates that I found. Not conlusive but anything to help shift my progression to the more benign end.
Folic acid is maybe the most “best guess” thing i do - but it does help with B12, and B12 levels are known to dip after relapses. Not very scientific but they are cheap so whatever.
I have never missed taking Omega 3 in 5 years - and never will.
Dietry wise i first started following a derivative of Swank but stricter, nrly no red meat, nrly no dairy, low salt sugar etc. I tend not to police it so hard now but my rule of thumb is as low additives as possible, as low saturated fat as possible - why? These are inflammatories.
I dont eat much dairy, but i dont tend to feel guilty when i do as its infrequent. I use goats milk as its low lactose - and I prefer it now anyway.
Olive oil , or some other healthy oil always - never an excuse IMO for using a cheap cooking oil.
No Beef, No Lamb - I love lamb, no pork, :(, chicken instead, or a lean red meat such as venison, which is far superior to beef IMO anyway, and you know what - if you enjoy cooking theres loads of other stuff out there anyway.
However would i eat a sausage at a BBQ, probably, theres no point giving myself a hard time about it.
Nrly never eat pasty.
I dont avoid wheat, i luv bread, and i’ll drink beer without worry. And red wine. And almost anything else.
I think the stress thing is a biggy as well - I was putting myself under alot of work pressure in my previous life - these days I work smarter and get paid more for it too
Im doing something right - IMO diet and supplements may be the best disease modifying factor there is. Its just not shouted about becasue the pharma’s cant make a mint from it. Where as a lifetime recurring presciption for a patient is a goldmine.
Ive also started doing some cardio - i used to have problems with cardio afetr 2008 but now my balance is good and Im able to do long sessions, ive now done several half marathons and am looking to run London next year.
Never been fitter, healther or happier which is a far cry to the state I was in 5 years ago - Up yours MS