Hi friends.
Thanks for the concern and support…as always, so important to me.
Right…the appointment. It was the 1st time for a long time, that I`ve had to go somewhere on my own…and boy! did that prove to be a wrong move.
Huddersfield Royal Infirmary is undergoing huge refurbishment. This meant the main entrance is temporarily a confusing mess!
So hubby dropped me off…parking is impossible…he didnt go with me, as we can
t leave Lucy alone at all…initially due to her epilepsy and now to her heart/lung poor function and scary episodes of coughing and gasping for breath.
We sometimes have a neighbour to mind her, but she wasn`t available. My morning carer has another client to go to on Wednesdays, my sis/carer was at another hospital with her hubby undergoing an angiogram (results were brill, btw), hence I had to go on me tod.
As I looked at the temporary entrance, I thought How the chuff do I get in now?
There was no dropped kerb, but a yellow plastic ramp, with a higher grandient than i am uncomfortable with…but I just took a run at it and hoped for the best!
Once inside, a lovely volunteer lady approached me and I told her I didn`t have my appointment letter with me, as I had the builders in and the house was in a mess. She said that was okay. She got me up on her screen and said to go down the corridor, turn left, take a lift to another floor,…I just looked hopeless and asked if there might be an escort available to take me. She happily filled the role.
I was glad of her help, as it was a fair trek to the right place. I booked myself in and asked how the clinic was running…an hour late! Oh no! I looked down for my bag, to call hubby and let him know, but …all I saw was my wee bag…hanging on the outside of my chair arm, for all the world to see and no bag! I realised my tote bag was missing…along with my mobile and glasses. Well there was chuff all I could do about it right then, so I just shoved my wee bag under my fleece and waited to be called.
I did managed to get into a disabled loo to empty my wee bag, by myself, but had to ask a nurse to re-arrange my right foot, as it has slipped into an uncomfortable position.
Anyroad, time passed and I was called in to see the uro exactly 1 hour after my appt time.
He asked how I was and I said id been okay and was loving my spc. He then told me nothing abnormal had been found on my scan. I told him I was happy about that, but *was still concerned that the pregabalin is masking the former pain. He said he would order a ct scan to do another check and if nothing is found he
d leave it. I agreed with that.*
Oh this is turning into a very long follow up eh? Hope you`re still with me.
So it was time to leave and find my hubby in the car park. It was gone 5 and very dark. I`m now so unacustomed to being outside on my own, let alone in the dark and I felt quite vulnerable. The nice escort volunteer lady had vanished.
I couldnt see hubby anywhere, so decided to return to reception and ask for help.
I told the 2 women there, that I`d lost my mobile and bag and asked if anyone had handed it in…no.
I went to the security desk and asked there…no. So I went back to reception and asked if they could ring my sister, who would ring my hubbys mobile and tell him of my plight................no answer............of course, they were still at the other hospital. Then she rang bro-in-law
s mobile…no answer…turned off of course.
What next? I know, ping, as a light bulb went on above my head! My hubby is a patient at the trust and theyd have his mobile number on file! Yes! They did and he was called. He was told i
d lost my mobile.
He said he was in the carpark now and he`d see me as I came out.
But why didn`t he come to meet me? I had to reverse down that horrible, yellow ,plastic ramp on my own. I just shut my eyes and did it! Once back in the van, I asked if my bag was in there…hubby looked and rang my number…nowt!
Oh chuff and chuff and chuff! i`d have to ring the insurance, put a stop on my phone and organise a new one.
We got home, hubby opened up the house and flung my bag, complete with mobile and glaases, over my shoulder, saying,
So, I`d lost it before I left the house. Duh!