Hi all.
saw my urologist on 23rd and here`s an account of how it went;
Clinic was running over (yawn) by an hour! I asked the nurse which doc I was seeing and she said there were 2 on and didnt know. I asked if I could make a preference, to which she agreed, so I got to see the actual guy who did my spc op.
He apologised for the hold up…I said it`s only to be expected and I didnt mind…you have to tell a few porkies sometimes, eh?
Then he asked how I`d been. I told him all about the chronic pain etc. He tried to look at the wound, but could hardly see much…what with me sitting in my wheelie and the spc being hidden under folds of the lumpy stuff!
he said We will try to get to the bottom of this
. Hmm?
he first thought it might be gall stones…then said the pain was in the wrong place for that…mmmmm?
I told him about my recent liver test coming back with higher levels than normal. So he said it could be something to do with that…mmm?..again!
I told him I love the system and no more wetting accidents and that I can live with the spc, even when it is a bit icky! but I cant live with the tum pain.
I asked if it could be the catheter tip poking the bladder wall…he said if it were that, then I would be in much more pain…mmmm?
I asked if a different size catheter would make it better? No…size of catheter makes no difference…a case of size doesn
t matter`, clearly!
Then I asked the question, which some of you know has bugged me since before I had the op;
Is it because I am fat?
There now, I`d said it.
He paused for a few seconds and I awaited his answer with baited breath…
…the right answer!
So, he said he woud do an ultra sound scan and if nothing was seen, then maybe a ct scan. I reminded him that if I needed to get on a bed, I would need a hoist. he remembered that. The attending nurse uttered You
ll need your own sling.I replied,
Yes, I have one with me now, if you can do it today!` No.
I now await an appointment for the scan.
fun innit?
luv Pollx
ps the doc is a lovely chap!!!