Allo chums!
Went for my scan this morning. Had to be there at 8.45am…eek!
Sis slept over so she could help me. Ususal morning carer cant come till after she`s taken her 2 young boys to school.
Sis does sleepover once a week and after lights out about 11pm, we play our ABC games. We take turns to come up with all sorts of stuff eg;
names of food we love or hate
names of fruits or veg
names of naughty words!
So last night, we knew wed better get some shut eye earlier than usual........but no, we couldn
t help but play our game!
At 12.10am, we had to force ourselves to shut up (very hard for me at any time!).
Anyway, we got up at 7am and pushed me into the shower, all bleary eyed and hungry…not allowed brekkie!
Got to the hospital in good time and saw a nurse in the ultrasound gaff…she had been told I was coming and needed a hoist and a clamp for my pipe, so my bladder could fill. My requests had been heeded and acted upon! Howsabout that for the good old NHS!
As Ive been on permanent drain for 4 months, I really thought my bladder wouldn
t like filling up and I expected it to spasm and by-pass, wetting me through.
There was a specially trained manual handling chappie…ever so nice…who got me onto the bed. The bed was narrow, or it seemed so as I am quite wide! I was afraid of falling off, so they let my sis sit at the side of me to reassure me…she did, bless her!
The scan was done and sis looked at the screen and said I was having twins,…one of each!
The probe made me a bit uncomfortable when it went near my bladder , but I didnt drip a drop!!! Also there was more discomfort, when the proble found a hip bone…a hip bone? Finding a bone of any kind, under my ample flesh is something to be celebrated…yiipppeee!
So there you have it. Results on Wed with my GP.
If nowt is found to have been causing that horrendous pain, the uro may order a ct scan, he said.
luv POllxx