Hi guys, hope you are having a good morning. I said to my neuro last week I had a couple of tremors some time ago. He didn’t ask where in my body or any other questions. They were in my big toe on left foot and occured in bed while still and resting, for two or three seconds. I have been informed by another neurologist that tremors in MS are action tremors so when a person is doing something. Resting tremors are associated with other conditions.
So I am trying to work out were my three resting tremors part of my MS. I will raise this again with him or the next neuro I see. I have not experienced any more tremors since this about 3 months ago.
I you have experienced tremors please could you let me know if your tremors are resting or action tremors, many thanks guys x
Hi I am on a massive journey with the tremors, mine are intention tremors none while resting. It could be dystonia which is a constant tremor not associated with movement. Keep a diary of when they happen and the you have evidence to present to the neuros.
I shouldn’t think tremors lasting seconds, in a single toe, and which haven’t happened again for three months, are indicative of anything serious at all - or nothing serious you don’t already know about, anyway (i.e. MS)
I think you may be overthinking this.
Although you don’t say whether you’re diagnosed. If you are, I can’t think such a minor and fleeting symptom would call into question your whole diagnosis. And if you’re not, I shouldn’t think it would make much difference to the analysis or investigations either. Occasional tremors in one toe aren’t going to be a deciding factor in anything.
If you have a known neuro problem - whether or not it’s already diagnosed as MS - then occasional weird stuff is to be expected, I’m afraid. There’s nothing about a couple of seconds of “shaky toe” that would lead me to suspect you’ve been misdiagnosed - or, if not diagnosed, that anything major has been missed.
Thanks guys, yes am diagnosed unfortuantely. Its not just shaking toe its defiantely a tremor. It was a vibration that last 2 or 3 seconds, its not a spasm. Not saying anything about my MS diagnosis just interested to know others tremors experiences. Thanks for the diary idea Bubbly, thats a big help…xx