Thinking about a rollator

Hello folks
I’m not sure if rollator is the right word, one of those things with four wheels that walkingly challanged peolpe push along. I’m thinking about getting one that could be foulded up and could be carried around. Do any of you have any helpful coments

Get one with a seat. The more expensive ones are made from aluminium and are much lighter. Have a look on this charity page:
Living Made easy

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Cheers mate there seems to be plenty on that site

I’ve got a Z-tec Falcon which are around £150 new. However, look on eBay: Let’s just say that many rollators “outlive” their superannuated owners, so there are loads for sale second-hand. I paid £30 for mine.

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Cheers again mate, whatever I get is bound to out live me

Hi I hated the fact that I needed a rollator the physio gave me an NHS one (you can get one for free if you have MS) However I hated it made me feel like an old lady and was so clunky to push around so I invested in a Byacre rollator very expensive but I got the all terrain model They make many different kinds There is the ultra light weight that is only 7lbs all have seats and fold down easily and come in trendy colours look nothing like the normal ones I often get stopped and asked about it

Yeah I got a cool looking byACRE recently, the bulky shopping trolley looking ones, just weren’t my bag either. :shopping_cart: