Thank you- and goodbye!

After five years at the MS Society, I’ve decided to move on to pastures new. Over those years, posts in this forum have made me laugh, cry, think and understand the complexities of life with MS.

If ever there was a way to learn about the different way that MS and disabilities affect people and those that care for them- this forum is it.

I’d like to thank you all for your patience, wit, honesty and support. Remember to look after each other and be patient with those you don’t understand or agree with.

Most of all I’d like to thank Val for her brilliant moderation skills and amazing support- I couldn’t have done it without her.

The Digital Team will continue to monitor posts and keep an eye on the tech side of the operation.

Once again- thanks for all you’ve taught me and hope you all continue to be the lively and loving community that you are……

Stewart (admin)


Wooo, nearly missed this - haven’t been on to the site with any regularity. Thanks for all your hard work over the years, and good luck in the future!


Thanks for everything Stewart. Good luck. Hope what you have learned from helping with the Forum is meaningful for whatever you are going on to do.

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Best wishes for the challenges ahead and sure your ability to herd cats will come in useful.

Thank you.


Good luck Stewart, thanks for all your hard work and support on the forum.


I just popped on again to write a post.

Didn’t expect this.

Goodluck and obviously you have been a great admin because the site shows that.


Thank you for everything you’ve done Stewart. You will be much missed. Best of luck for your future.

Sue x

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And, thank you too Stewart. Aw ra best for the future. We’ll miss you.

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Thank you - administrators are unsung heroes here.


Thank you, Stewart, and good wishes for the future.


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Hi I Have decided to post on here as would like information on disease modifying drugs. I have RRMS and have had a meeting with neurologist who has recommended these. I am in particular looking at taking Tecfidera. I would like to hear from anyone who has been taking these and their experience. I am finding it hard to make a decision bearing in mind the Side effects. Thanks everyone x

good luck Stewart!

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Thanks and good luck.


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thank you stewart

best wishes

carole z

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So sorry, I also nearly missed this - best wishes for your new job, and thanks


Best wishes and many thanks Stewart

You will be missed! Bon Chance


Thanks for everything and very best of luck in the future!


Good Luck for whatever comes next, thank you for all help here.


Thanks for all you’ve done ! Wishing you health and happiness in all that is to come