
Gosh I am so drunk too…

Hic - I’m so fucking baddered too :slight_smile:

I don’t suppose bladdered is in any way offensive…must try harder…pissed, ratarsed…

baddered, bladdered, fucked, arsed…twatted…cunted…

Wah hahaha!! You got away with ‘arsed’! That is strange because I was filtered for using the present simple of ‘arsed’ which is ‘arse’ !


But I guess that arse is a noun whereas arsed is a verb - perhap they take such complexities into consideration before prohibiting our freedom to use disgusting language, despite everyone knowing that it can be a symptom if MS!

tricky…think this needs more fuckking investigation

maybe fuucking would work then…

fuucking good then

i just want to say… i fucking love you all!

Well, as it’s scientific research… :slight_smile:

The hearse stood outside the skyscraper entrance; the police cars parsed by its presence. “It was a crapshoot,” he muttered hoarsely. “One mishit… one parsec the wrong way… not even sparse protection… He wouldn’t even let us rehearse! Treating us like pieces of scrap metal. And that farseeing psychic he’d involved. Well! He was clearly good at his job…” and his gaze followed the zip as it scraped close over the coarse, bloodied face. “Off to the scrapheap for him now.”

I wonder if it will work?!
Karen x

Interesting. It appears that hearse, parse, rehearse etc are all OK now. I wonder why the other two aren’t. Especially crap - it’s a very minor word indeed!
