Stinging nerve pain on being touched

Hi I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this before. When I had my first relapse I had stinging nerve pain in my back. It was only when I was leaning back in chairs or my mother went to touch my shoulder and say good night, it really ‘stung’. This lasted for about 5 months on and off. I’ve done a google search under ‘stinging nerve pain and MS’ and nothing comes back. So I mean stinging to touch.

I did tell one neuro a long time ago and he at the time diagnosed me with CIS, he didn’t say much though but tested me for HIV, lymes etc (came back negative). Now have diagnosis of MS. The google seach mentions peripheral neuropathy for ‘stinging nerve pain’. I have had an autonomic nervous system problem so may be its connected to that. I guess I need to raise this again with my latest neuro to query but would be interested to know if anyone with a diagnosis of MS has had ‘stinging nerve pain on being touched’ before. thanks xxx

Forgot to say I have ‘multiple’ lesions in brain and spine’.

I get it all the time :confused: can be very painful, my MS nurse told me to increase the pregabalin I am taking. some days it helps, others it does nothing. it comes and goes with me, can last for a week and then not show up again for months

def. mention it to your neuro just incase its something they can help you with

I get it too some days worse than others. Mine is in my legs particularly round my knees and thighs and also the top of my buttocks. Think it’s quite a common symptom x

I get this at the top of my arms and legs


me too-if my head is touched-mega ouch!


I call it sore skin. It does come and go but it lasts for varying lengths of time in different areas. I have it again at the minute on my right leg which is not good when wearing jeans or in bed, the shower etc Louise

My stinging nerve pain was deep nerve pain in my back, I can only describe it as deep in the skin (I know that doesn’t make sense). I did begin to get a sunburn type skin nerve pain on my back and that was in November last year. That has now gone. The sunburn nerve pain seemed like less deep in the skin (I know that sounds odd too). I know the sunburn type pain is common in MS.

I have had alloydonya this year, more of a sensitivity to wearing clothes and couldn’t stand wearing anything on that part of my body, it felt like something was stuck to it. I hated wearing my jeans or trousers so walked around in shorts.

I’m still in my dressing down lol. My skin feels like it’s been burnt or rubbed with sandpaper. Just waiting for it to settle again as my gabapentin isn’t helping it. Louise

I have the same on my tummy ,back and scalp on my right side. It was one of my first symptoms, it never fully goes away just bothers me some days more than others. I always explain it as like sunburn that goes right through to the bones, not exactly scientific, but makes sense to me!

I have this too, I am normally okay lying flat and still in bed, sometimes it hurts like the blazes when someone touches me, it also varies day to day but never seems to be entirely. .