Is this a symptom?

Hi everybody. Just looking for a bit of advice really. I am on rebif and all going well. Last relapse over a year ago and feel well in terms of that. However got some very weird sensations in my legs, particularly the left but only a patch on each leg…kind of thigh and knee. Feel funny to touch just on that patch and the left is actually quite painful…almost like between sunburn/ants biting/nettle stings if that makes sense. Very hard to explain. Is this a symptom or part of a side effect of my injections. Should I avoid my legs for a bit? Should I tell the nurse. I’m pretty sure it’s not a relapse as I feel absolutely fine, in fact better than I have in a while. Other than this annoying feeling. Sometimes I don’t notice it at all. But sometimes it’s like it goes mad! Thanks in advance. Xxx

Hi.I would say that it’s probably more likely to be a symptom of MS.I have had similar in the past:I had a relapse where one of the symptoms was that parts of my back and chest were hypersensitive to touch ie from clothes touching or rubbing and also having a shower was very painful in that area,in fact almost unbearable.

I think it’s worth mentioning to your MS nurse.

Take care,Brenda x

Yes it’s sensitive to clothing but not all the time. It’s only painful sometimes. It itches too. Thanks I will email her. Weird these symptoms x

Hi, I have had this feeling too in my right arm on and off. Feels a bit like when I had flu once and it hurt to touch, Best wishes Sue x

I had similar sensation on my back when I was diagnosed in November just before my hug started the neuro just said it was symptoms don’t know if this is of any help. Jonesbear.

Thanks guys. That’s what I wanted to check as I thought I’d read that new symptom might mean a relapse. However I’vehad four relapses in the ten years of diagnosis and they all made me feel crappy and right now I really don’t feel crappy. The sensations are annoying but I feel fine in myself. Could my injections be causing it? And would it be worth avoiding the legs for a while though the area of sensation isn’t consistent with where I inject. Thanks guys x

Lisa im in the same boat today, injected last night in bum which really hurt and bled and soon after had electric shock feeling in ankle a few times. Went to bed and ankle area sore today. Could be I hit a nerve , could be ms, I find I get sore legs after injecting in thigh area, sensitive and sore so hoping this is the same not the start of anything… I feel fine as well but it was only last night so it could get worse. Im holding off calling anyone yet as I dont know if it will develop but it maybe a mild relapse and the copaxone helping xxxx