hi everyone , just wanted to share my good news . got awarded dla today.
i was on the brink of losing my house because of loss off income due the fact that im long term sick and im losing statuary sick pay in october.
now i can look forward to staying where i am , and plan for my sons christmas presents as my letter states i will get backdated. would love to say im walking on air ,…dancing with wheelie instead :lol: :lol: :lol: now just waiting to see if i get my critical illness money as well . morgage wont be paid off but things will be easier . thanks for listening love tina x
Oh frabjous day callooh, callay!! I chortle in my glee!!! I am very pleased you have had the right result there!! But even when SSP runs out there is ESA, its a bugger to apply for and you have to jump through Atos hoops - but it can be done. I did it. Check out the benifits and work website for info Clare (whooopiieee!!!)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Lovely to see some really GOOD news Karen x
thank you clair will check it all out , will have a busy week ahead . between visit to ms nurse , physio and phoning everybody that i can think off :lol: :lol: :lol: still spinning around chair dancing woohoo !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: love tina x.
thank you karen , i couldnt believe my luck , first time lucky !!!
everyone told me to wait for at least one failed try. sorry clare for missspelling your name :oops: :oops: tina x. still grinning like a chester cat
Clare will respond to most anything, She often just goes by “Hey You!”
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: just like people ignore me in the wheelchair and ask my 13 year old son what SHE would like . being in the chair doesnt mean im stupid but im SHE now :roll: :roll: :roll: love tina x.
Well done! So pleased for you.
That’s fab news xx Hope you get the rest of it x Jo x
Great news
Goed gedaan jo… uh meisje… now you can concentrate on all the other stuff that comes with the condition!
goed gedaaan jochie :lol: :lol: :lol: thank you all very much im soo happy now
love tina x.
Thats fab news and what a weight off your mind,eh/ May I join you in a wheelie dance? My taffetta ballgown gets tangled in my spokes! A bit like nancy Dell
Ollio`s boa tonigt in Strictly! luv Pollx
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: youre very welcome to join me in my wheelie dance birthday girl
dont know about the ballgown like the idea of the boa
love tina x.