So I guess this is it now with my foot ?

Hi everyone !

I previously posted about a weird feeling in my foot. I noticed it first when I was moisturising my feet. When I touched a certain point an electric shock sensation would go from the top of my foot to my toe. Not painful. Anyway this was in early September…

After a while I had the same feeling while walking down the stairs and now it’s just been there consistently for a few weeks while I walk. Also when I touch my foot. Just wondering if this would be classed as quite a long relapse or is this now just a constant symptom ? It doesn’t seem to have affected movement at all- could it ?

I am sure no one can really tell me ! But if anyone has experienced something similar it would be useful to know. I don’t really suffer from a lot of day to day stuff yet. I did have intermittent tingling in my upper back for months and months and months, which I no longer seem to have. But it has come back before so it might be back again. I wonder if that’s just how it is.

thank you !

Hi Emily

see a podiatrist and get your feet pampered.

At least if there is a real problem you will get it treated, sorry that sounded wrong. You do have a problem with your feet, it is real and probably to do with MS.

I don’t trust myself not to offend, so will have a large gin and go to bed now. xx

Haha no you didn’t offend. I’m sure this is MS and I’ve spoken to my Neuro and MS nurse and they said it too. But seeing a foot doctor and getting my feet pampered definitely won’t hurt too !

I want a large gin. It’s been ages ! Hope you enjoy !

Reflexology is wonderful for a fine foot feeling!


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A new podiatrist hires a room in a hair salon just 10 houses away from my house.

Talk about bliss, if only she’d offer me a large gin!

she offers hot wax moisturising mask which sounds lovely.

Have you asked Santa for a bottle of gin?