Hi everyone !
I previously posted about a weird feeling in my foot. I noticed it first when I was moisturising my feet. When I touched a certain point an electric shock sensation would go from the top of my foot to my toe. Not painful. Anyway this was in early September…
After a while I had the same feeling while walking down the stairs and now it’s just been there consistently for a few weeks while I walk. Also when I touch my foot. Just wondering if this would be classed as quite a long relapse or is this now just a constant symptom ? It doesn’t seem to have affected movement at all- could it ?
I am sure no one can really tell me ! But if anyone has experienced something similar it would be useful to know. I don’t really suffer from a lot of day to day stuff yet. I did have intermittent tingling in my upper back for months and months and months, which I no longer seem to have. But it has come back before so it might be back again. I wonder if that’s just how it is.
thank you !