I suffer from RLS (restless leg syndrome) and it is worse at night when trying to sleep.

Does anyone else suffer from it and do they take anything for it or know any tricks to get rid of it.

I have been to the doctors about it and come away none the wiser.

I just need a good nights sleep.

Hi, after trying various drugs OxyContin 10mg twice daily finally got rid of my very severe RLS. This was prescribed by my pain management doctor.

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You could do worse than try magnesium and see if that helps. I find 375mg does the trick, although you might need to experiment a bit.


I got Magnesium spray from Holland & Barrett and it has really helped with that and also eased the tight feeling in my knees. I use it before I get into bed, but you can use it anytime.

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I have it too some days worse than others but it’s particularly bad at night that and my bladder problems means I’m not getting much sleep. I find that it can cause my legs to develop painful cramp. Michelle x

Do you take anything for it or just suffer sleepless nights? I have an overactive bladder too. So that and the RLS is turning me into a vampire. I find myself dozing during the day now which I dont want to do. The doctor has given me some tablets for the bladder (Vesicare 5mg) but Im not sure if they are actually helping in any way. I have tried the magnesium spray on my legs and that did`nt work either.

I suffered with severe RLS…to the point I could happily have taken an axe to them! It took quite a while but biotin has got rid of it I’m very pleased to say.



There is a programme on Channel 5 tonight about the condition

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Sorry Scudger, ive only just seen your message.

I take Betmiga 50 mg for my bladder Vesicare made me feel ill so i stopped taking it . My bladder is still not great so getting Botox injections soon. I don’t take anything for my legs just try to manage it myself but its not just my legs it feels like my body is jerking sometimes a bit like Tourettes syndrome.

Michelle x


It`s on at 10pm (channel 5)

Should make my legs twitch. laugh

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Thank you…long past my bedtime but I will put it on record.


Well what a waste of time that was watching and learning absolutely nothing.

From start to finish there was no mention of any treatments to ease the symptoms.

Just a bunch of up there own whingers who have nothing better to do but love themselves in front of a camera.

Try living with MS and RLS then perhaps make a worthwhile programme in the first place.


Yep, it lost me before the first ad break. Absolute rubbissh

I’ve taken Magnesium Citrate which seemed to help.

I’ve also started going to a regular physio session. I do three exercises. The standing machine, the bicycle and the parallel bars. Giving my legs a serious weekly work out has also helped.

Best wishes.

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I echo Whammel’s experience.

I read on this Forum that people were getting relief by taking magnesium. Since I started taking it my legs rarely twitch at all.

It’s a Holland & Barrett product, Sainsbury’s and probably good many other stores.



I`ve just got myself some Biotin from H&B.

If that doesnt make a difference Ill try Magnesium.


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Just google - magnesium and RLS.

l take lots of magnesium as l am following the Coimbra Vitamin D Protocol - and it is important to take magnesium along with vitd this is to keep the calcium in the bones and not attacking the soft tissue.

Some magnesiums are very laxative. So l do have to be careful as l suffer with diarhorrea most of the time. Mag Citrate if you are constipated!!!

Magnesium Malate or Glycinate will help you - or Magnesium lonic Chloride. Malate in the morning as it is ‘energising’. Glycinate at night as it is ‘restful’ - and helps with sleep.

Biotin will help with bladder control.

lf you use the magnesium spray or gel on your legs - if it makes them feel itchy - this is a sign that you are deficient in mag.

We need magnesium - not just to go with our vitd3 but it also helps with bone-density, muscle and joint pain.

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I do suffer from OAB and the doctor has given me Vesicare 5mg to try. I`m not sure if they are doing anything to help.

So combined with Biotin that may make a difference.


I really don’t think biotin from H&B is likely to be any good and you need the pharmaceutical grade stuff.

"High-dose biotin (MD1003) Is a highly-concentrated formulation of biotin. The doses being used in clinical trials correspond to 10,000 times the recommended daily intake of biotin. At this dose, it is not considered a food supplement and is being developed as a pharmaceutical preparation. Neurologists are warning that people should not start taking large quantities of biotin supplements which are manufactured to a lower quality than the pharmaceutical grade biotin used for this study.


Just a little warning (I’m aware that I’m probably a bore over this subject!) IF you are taking magnesium and you feel your heart fluttering or missing beats, stop taking it immediately. I’ve ended up in A&E twice with this problem, and only on the 2nd visit did a cardiologist work out it was magnesium causing it.

I steer well clear of it now.

It is usually used medicinally as a cure for arrhythmia (heart not beating properly) but can have opposite effect.

Pat xx