Public Liability Insurance for disable scooters

Hi everyone

I have Public Liability Insurance for my pretty elderly scooters (one is a portable scooter) Elite Go go and the other is a larger more comfortable Strider.

This insurance has steadily increased and I wonder if anyone can give me the names of other insurance companies that you can recommend (sorry if I’m not meant to ask for this).

I do belive that the MS Society might have their own ins. company. Could you let me know please?

Have you checked that your house insurance does not already cover you for public liability.

Thanks Spacejacket no it doesn’t I’m afraid.


Hi Corkie,

ive read on other websites that sometimes contents insurance premiums only go up by 30 odd quid so it might be worth changing insurance companies or calling your insurance company and asking if you can add your scooter to the policy. Of cause you always have the option of not buying insurance as there is no law that says you have too.

my own scooter is still covered by the 3months free you get wet you buy 'em so I’ve been looking for something myself but there seems to be very few specific insurance companies out there. I’m just gonna keep on going till I find the right deal.

good luck finding something.

I must admit, I’ve never even thought about PLI for rhe scooter. What does it cover you for? I’ve not really considered going on the rampage with it so not reall¥ seeing the value in it.

l have been using scooters for about 25yrs - and l have never taken out insurance. My horses have public liability cover - although one of my neighbours says hers is covered with her home insurance. l know mine covers my dogs - but l have never asked about the horses or scooters. But l expect it would not cost much to add. Best to wait until it is up for renewal - as they do charge a fee for any changes made inbetween.

People are so litigious these days and I remember the case of the woman who lost her bungalow after accidentally hurting someone in a shopping centre.

Not only that but I have on occasion managed to catch my bag on the scooter and it took off across a supermarket floor (don’t ask me how).

Also my little blind Jack Russell managed to run me over; as she was tied to the handle outside my house. She had no idea.

Yes I am accident prone and do stupid things from time to time. But I’m very careful with the scooter these days and have never had an accident, except for the time our branch had an outing to one of the London museums, in an effort to keep up with my young carer, I accidentally ran over a woman’s toe.

So you can see why I have PL insurance, as you never know when you might need it.

It makes me feel safer anyway.

Thanks for the replies folks I’ll look further in the next week.

honestly can’t see the point of PL for scooter. contents insurance will cover it WHILE ITS IN THE HOUSE, where to be honest, little is likely to happen.

Accidental damage covers “accidents” and good luck getting an answer from insurers as to what precisly that is!

It does NOT cover “wear and tear” and electrical and mechanical breakdown…as i found to my cost.

Breakdown cover - now thats a whole new can of worms! I’m trying to find out if ANYONE does national recovery for power chairs?? So far its limited to 15 or 20 miles…which is pretty rubbish!

With AA Breakdown - it is the ‘person’ with the card who is covered whatever vehicle they are in - not a particular vehicle. We got our car blocked in a country lane - miles from anywhere - by a driver who had inadvertently thrown his keys into the boot with his walking boots etc. The keys activated the locks and he was locked out of his own car. l rang the AA - and they came out pretty promptly and managed to open the car so the driver could get his keys and move on. We were all very relieved and impressed.

lf this is the case - l would have thought anyone with this type of breakdown cover - would be safe if they broke down with a power-chair or scooter.

Well i found out, after 3 days of trawling the net, RAC do blue badge cover, which can cover you as a NON DRIVER either for “any car” or you can name a nominated car.

Still won’t address the prob of breakdown with wheelchair or scooter tho.


Fish, they have all sorts of cover

I use them for my powered wheelchair.
