Had pip assessment yesterday which was ok but today im feeling very anxious. I had to do a couple of test which i could do, one was to remember three objects the other was to fold a tissue in half and rip it.
I was diagnosed with ppms just over a week ago. I have been claiming dla and moving to pip.
Has anyone else had to do these tests or had difficulty claiming pip.
Experiences with PIP seem very variable, depending on the grade of cluelessness of the particular staff involved in processing your claim.
My first application was no bother at all, but my second resulted in points I am due being taken away, and I am probably going to have to go through the appeals process with CAB’s help.
The letter I received prior to my Atos assessment stated that it would not be a physical examination, so I refused the “strength tests” the Atos person asked to do. I also said that I would want my MS Nurse present for a physical examination. I don’t know what the Atos person’s qualification would have been in doing these tests.
She asked me some totally irrelevant questions, e.g. “What are your hobbies?”, yet seemed to omit vital information on the report she sent to DWP - at least that is the only reason I can think of for points being taken away from me.
It’s not a good system, basically, and I’m sorry to say I have nothing positive or reassuring to say about it any more.
When it comes to these “health professionals” Atos employ, I just wonder - if someone has qualifications as a health professional, I think they’d need to be desperate for some reason to choose to work for Atos, if they are genuinely caring and good at what they do.
Anyway, I wish you all the best with your claim. Hopefully it goes smoothly.
My final decision from the DWP took more like 10 weeks! There were apparently a lot of delays around the beginning of this year. What you can do is get a copy of the report from the assessor. I think it’s called the PA4 and ATOS/CAPITA usually send it to DWP within less than a week. If you ring DWP they will send you a copy (they have to). The report covers all the descriptors that PIP is awarded on and although DWP aren’t bound to follow what ATOS say they xo in most cases. This means that you will have a good idea what you will eventually get and, if it doesn’t look good more time to sork out what you will do to take things forward.
I’m still on DLA but I’ve helped 2 people apply successfully for PIP and they’ve both received their rewards. The first woman I helped took months to hear back, but that was when they were just changing over and were snowed under. The second was recent and she heard back within 2 weeks.
I know they ask silly questions but the hobbies one has 2 functions: to see whether you’re just sitting doing nothing or are depressed, and the second is to determine whether you need someone to help you to make your life more bearable eg. to get someone to drive you out or help you dress/undress to go swimming for example.
My union sent me booklets to help me apply for DLA which helped me for both my claim and theirs. If you need to speak or would like to see them I can e mail them to you. Good luck anyway, fingers crossed you did enough.
Sorry, that was supposed to say if you need to appeal their decision, not speak. I forgot to check my post before I sent it. My spell checker is very “helpful”.
The decision after my Atos visit took 3 weeks for me, but my submission for reassessment was sent just after the New Year! So the whole process has taken about 4 months, and I still need to go through the appeal process, since my points are now nonsensical / plain wrong. It can take a long time to get a tribunal hearing, so I’m expecting another 6 months at least.
The first day I heard that they’d taken points away from me, I was in shock. The second day I was much more emotional about it, then angry. But yes, detachment is definitely necessary. At the end of the day, the system is inadequate (understatement), but it is not “personal” - it’s just the result of people behind computers pressing buttons, ticking boxes, following orders, getting through their day in the office. You just have to plod through it to finally - hopefully - get a result which is fair and right.
I thought the hobbies question might be a lot more cynical - e.g. Atos/DWP hope to catch out people claiming benefits because they can’t walk or balance well, then let it slip that they go surfing at the weekend!
And the thing is - I now rely totally on my loved ones driving me around - I can’t even get to the nearest bus stop - but this didn’t come out during my interview. They also ignored evidence from my physiotherapist. The benefits they have reduced me to couldn’t pay for a new rollator etc.
Instead of asking honest, direct questions, they skirt around things so that they can derive some sort of vague, piecemeal “picture”, to which they can apply their own heavy handed artistic licence as they please.
I am very jaded about the whole thing now!
Anyway, the sun still shines and the birds still sing.
Best wishes to all - especially anyone dealing with DWP!
Not sure how they decide who to interview, but you do get your claim reassessed every few years at best, either on paper or through an interview. I would guess that it’s largely arbitrary, going by my experience, but others might know differently.
I’m just hoping to get my lost points returned to get my independence back, the possibility of funding an automatic car for me to actually be able to get around again: My old beloved manual is unfortunately going to have to be sold soon. A clutch is just too tiring for my weakest leg.
I was told I would be assessed in 2015 but as yet I’ve heard nothing. I’m 65 in November ( not sure how that happened when I don’t even feel like a grown up!!) and I’m wondering if it just might be easier to apply for attendance allowance at that time.