PIP report from Atos


I went for a assessment with Atos on 26th Feb and today got a copy of their report which they sent to DWP.

They took notice of my symptoms and my physical problems I was having and noted my comments about everyday living and mobility issues.

They watched me as I came into reception and observed me as I waited for my appointment,noting whether I could get a cup of water or read a magazine.(Dont use your mobile as they ask you in the interview)it shows you are capable.

As for the interview they ask you to remember certain words and ask you to repeat them later.If you leave the room at any time(Toilet) they watch how you move and how long you take.

As for the report I was given 16 points for Everyday Living and 18pts for Mobility.

Hope this helps.


Wow that was quick. I had my assessment in Nov and dwp still waiting. I chased and was told to call back in 3 weeks. I got that impression they were watching you before the assessment. Glad you received a quicker service

Thanks for this info Graham. Really helpful.

Does your points awarded mean you are eligible for high rate?

My reassessment will be interesting. I was pensioned off by Atos as their assessment said I was unfit for work due to my MS symptoms.

Shazzie x

Hi Shazzie

The benefit is paid at the higher rate for both for 3 years.


Hi, thanks for letting us know how it went and the tips for when anyone else goes.

I guess your score put you in the right benefit, eh?

luv Pollx

Hi i applied for PIP in October. It’s my first application for benefits of any kind. I phoned a number of times but told my papers had been sent to ATOS and just wait. I contacted my MP two weeks ago and now have an appointment for 7 April. I am real nervous especially as I have,bladder and bowel problems and just wonder how much they will ask me ( there are things even my husband doesn’t know, and he’ll be with me). I also have pain, fatigue and spasticity. Thanks for the advice about the mobile phone. I have heard that you should tell them if you have ever used or tried to use aids and adaptations to do tasks because if you haven’t they can say that you should try the activity (eg cook a meal/ dress your lower body) using such gadgets and not award the points. I will post when I’ve been and let you know how it went. I’ll get my husband to note down the questions to help anyone else waiting for their assessment :slight_smile:

Graham It looks like they are asking the right questions and looking at the right things. Why shouldn’t you use a mobile if you are capable ? That suggests that you are not displaying your true capabilities. The benefit it to look at your true capabilities and needs. Should I trip up walking into the room ? I really do feel we should be honest and reflect our capabilities or this benefit could turn into what DLA has turned into. This is my belief… Sorry if people do not agree. Anon as I do not want grief

No need for anonimity on this hun.

Your beliefs are your beliefs and you are entitled to them.

Each to our own, but I know Graham was only trying to be helpful, bless him.


  • Be as nervous as you want,. They are meant to take note of this as a sign anxiety. (one reason you cant work)
  • Go to the toilet as much as you need to. Even if it effects their chance to ask you questions, or shortens the interview time - so what. Go as slow as you want too, to show them the difficulty you have getting to toilets, take your partner with you, and take as long as you want - so they know how much time and difficulty you have with bowel bladder movements plus getting dressed again. Show them what a " palaver " it is for you every single day (another reason you cant work).

They need to see how much nonsensical timeconsuming rubbish and pain that you have to live with on a daily basis.

They need to see how you useless you are - from the eyes of employment.

Im sorry if that sounded insensitive, but ( i disagree with Anonymous’s post ) its important ATOS dont get the chance to manipulate things ( like they have done) and make you sound much better and more capable than you really are.

ATOS - they dont give ATOSS

Im not saying milk it, Im just saying Be Yourself . Make a fuss. If you want to curl up in a ball in pain, do it. If you feel sick, and need a bowl, ask for it. If you need a hot water bottle for your pain, take it with you. What ever you do - dont be embarrassed for yourself, be embarrased for the person interviewing you.

Almond xx

Thanks, Almond. You have hit the nail on the head. I will remember your advice. I think Anonymous misunderstood. I did not mean to imply that I was nervous because I was being in any way dishonest about my condition or my capabilities, rather the reverse is true; I try and make light of it and pretend things are better than they are out of a belief that this is the polite thing to do- I am nervous because I find it embarrassing to tell someone how bad things are. I’m also embarrassed to be claiming benefit as I have worked all my life (I’m 53) until I went off sick last August. I agree that nobody should encourage dishonesty and the tiny minority of people who have exaggerated their disability in the past have made things harder for the vast majority of honest claimants.

[quote=Anonymous]Graham It looks like they are asking the right questions and looking at the right things. Why shouldn’t you use a mobile if you are capable ? That suggests that you are not displaying your true capabilities. The benefit it to look at your true capabilities and needs. Should I trip up walking into the room ? I really do feel we should be honest and reflect our capabilities or this benefit could turn into what DLA has turned into. This is my belief… Sorry if people do not agree. Anon as I do not want grief

You are entitled to your opinion Anon…Maybe you should ask how many people are getting turned down with severe disabilities and care issues.

I didnt want to end up like this living on Morphine and other drugs,possibly for the rest of my life,but theres people a lot worse than me.

Anonymous asked:
“Why shouldn’t you use a mobile if you are capable ? That suggests that you are not displaying your true capabilities”

Look at it like this - if you can use a mobile phone, you can obviously use a keyboard. So you can get a job in a call centre.
Thank you for coming in. Goodbye.

One assessor’s trick I have seen here in the past is that a piece of paper falls on the floor in front of you - to see if you have any trouble bending to pick it up.

Now I am too old to get an ATOS “assessment”, but I would suggest that if the assessment is going to use that sort of technique, then those being assessed have a right not to be taken in by those same techniques.


Too right Graham and Dr Geoff ,

…'And if you feed your dog ( even just a Bono bisciut) or brush your cat, in the assessor’s eyes it means you are fully capable of caring for yourself, cooking , washing and getting dressed. (I’ve been asked this)

That is really how silly and unfair they can be.

Its amazing how they use everything and any thing to their advantage and twist, exaggerate it till you sound like super man. And its the honest severely ill /disabled people that get tricked into this. So be careful. Dont give them anything to play on. They are crafty. Try and be ahead of their silly game and tricks, if you can.

Hi Graham That’s great you were successful in your claim, I got P.I.P at end of January I was awarded standard care and high mobility which was what I believe I was entitled too as also work part-time now. Polly xx

Hello all. I just thought I’d let you know that I have been awarded enhanced care and standard mobility. I got 10 points for being able to walk 20 - 50 metres but they did not take into account the fatigue caused so I will appeal. Does anyone know whether I can get a copy of the health professional’s report?

hi robo

you can get a report from DWP


on the issue of work… you can claim pip and work. I have been banging on at a colleague of mine to claim as her MS has deteriorated severely. She thought she couldnt get it because she worked, yet her partner had to give up work to have the time to dress her and prepare her breakfast and get her downstairs, then take her to work as she couldnt drive due to seizures and was too fatigued to get the bus. He cooks the evening meal and does all the housework because when she gets in from work she is so tired she is in bed by 7. Of course she is entitled to PIP, it has nothing to do with being fit for work or not. PIP is supposed to be used to help with maintaining your independence so you might need to employ a carer, or someone to ferry you around or whatever it is you need, regardless of where your main income comes from.

I relapsed twice within 6 days while on desease modifying treatment(copaxone) they put that on a report at my ms clinic i got out of hospital and was greated with a atos appointment and as i cant walk due to my relapse i called them and asked for a home assessment and they said no but they would pay for a taxi… but this taxi was not a wheel chair accesable one so i said i cant get there so they basically said if i dont go ill get sanctioned. So i went to my local MP and he was fuming i then recieved a call from the wellfare right officer and was pretty scared my mp wasnt for playing games i then recieved a letter saying my atos appointment has been cancelled and ive been put in the support group and dwp have bard any assessment for me for 3 years. I had to show my mp and dwp a report of my mri scan proving 3 new lesions have appeared on my mri scan report. Do NOT let these people intimidate you.

Martin Thanks for the post. Your assessment was for ESA looking at your comments. Under the assessment rules home visits WILL be done if you get get a GP letter saying you need a taxi. ATOS can’t refuse this. Well done on the award. Neil

Sorry… Home visits will be done if your GP says you can’t get out… Don’t know why I put taxi… Neil