PIP Capita assesment

Hi All hope you are all well! Iv had a letter through today saying I will be hearing from capita about my pip assesment appointment. Has anyone else been seen by capita as most people seem to see another company (for some reason my brain is telling me asos but thats a shopping website haha) Sam xx

Hi ATOS & Capita are the 2 assessors dependant on where you live. Capita do home visits to assess. ATOS have assessment centres. Capita have done a work assessment for me, not a PIP assessment. Just be yourself and be honest. Don’t try to make things sound easier than they are. If you take meds have them handy to show what you take and what they’re for. All the best Neil

Capita and atos separate firms who tackle all the claims. Up to now atos dealt with about 75 percent of disabilty claimants. But atos are currently trying to buy their way out of their contract early, so I guess Capita will now be dealing with more of the claims until another company steps in for atos. I might be wrong, but i imagine we will be hearing much more of Capita.

From what I’ve heard they handle the claims the same way, so it does not matter who carries out your medical assessment / application.

Good luck with your assessment Sam.

Almond xx

Thank you both. Just a case if waiting for the appointment xx

Almond ATOS are staying with PIP and just want out of ESA claims. The main difference is the geographical one and where assessments are done (home or assessment centres). I hope that this clears things. Neil

Oops … thanks for that Neil

I really did think Atos were pulling out of the whole thing. Oh well.

Sorry about that Sammie. Xx let us know how it goes xx

Will do. Hope my appointment comes theough quickly. Dont think iv had it as bad as some as only sent my claim in Febuary so it hasnt been too bad. The thought of someone watching my every move makes me feel very nervous. Even though I have nothing to hide xx