I have a meeting tomorrow with HR and my Team Leader which is to do with my long term sick leave…I am currently under investigation and still having tests and things to assist with diagnosis.
I am just on SSP now and that runs out end of my so have been sent a form to apply for I amassuming ESA.
I emailed work 2 weeks ago to say I was ready for a phased return…but then had a cold then upset tummy so those two things have made my fatigue worse also spasms and twitches are waking me up and so it takes ages for me to get to sleep…along with stressing about going back to work.
I am scared I am just going to make my existing symptoms worse.
Apprehensive about trying to fit back in at work…the first meeting I had with HR was in my department and not one of my work colleagues spoke to me, I said to my Mum who went with me for support ‘You do realise I would have gone home by now if you weren’t with me’ as we sat outside my Team Leaders Office.
2nd meeting people did say hi but were different colleagues on that shift.
Occy Health two months ago said they would start supporting me when I am ready to go back to work so don’t know what happens next in the process with them.
So has anyone had a phased return how does it work exactly in terms of the hours days etc?
My normal hours are 22hrs per week Wed,Thurs,Fri (even though I only do 22hrs with fatigue being worse than I’ve ever had I think I would like to reduce my hours)if I want to reduce my hours do I mention that in the meeting tomorrow?are see how the phased return goes.
Is there a possibility they may say they don’t think I am ready to back?
also not sure if I will beable to drive to work all the time as just recently started driving again!
First let me say are you sure you are well enough to return; has your doctor given you an OK to return? I know how important it is to get back in the swing but believe me if you return without being absolutely well enough to cope only you will suffer that may affect your future.
If you are well enough contact Access to Work https://www.gov.uk/access-to-work who amongst other helpful things can arrange taxis to and from work to save fatigue. You only pay the equivalent bus fare.
Phased return is really down to agreement of both parties; what do you feel you can cope with? 4 hours per day to start and increase 1 hour per day weekly; only a suggestion?
It’s a bit last minute but any meeting you should take a Union Rep; colleague or contact DIAL http://www.dialuk.info/ who given enough time would organize someone to come.
Ta Ggood I did see a GP last week but must admit she is not one of the GPs that really knows me…and didn’t ask any questions about how I am…that’s why I am thinking I may be jumping in with feet first. I was off work poorly 18months prior to starting work where I am now in a different hospital and role…and 4 months into where I work now I became poorly again although this time round got extra bits and bobs going on…I worked different shifts previously including nights on a stressful ward…I managed to get a job in the community but ended up turning the job down because I was so poorly…so lived off my final wages and holiday for a bit and thought of getting a slower paced job…anyhoo I ended up on ESA then was put on Job Seekers Allowance( purely because didn’t have the fight in me to appeal) and now am back at square one by trying to do the right thing and get back into employment. I have some more tests to go through and don’t see the Neurologist until July unless he gets test results back sooner but doubt that, The last time I spoke to Occy Health the Nurse said that she didn’t see me going back within the next 2 months and that HR should contact her when I am ready to go back… If only there was a magic wand There is just me and so am worried about no income…and obviously making my symptoms worse! They have kept my job open thus far having not been there very long I am worried if I don’t go back now I will be jobless. I can sort other people out but can’t sort myself out! Sorry to go on
12 things that don’t affect your right to claim Disability Living Allowance.
You’re getting any other benefits - Disability Living Allowance will be paid on top.
You’re working.
Your partner works.
You have savings.
You have not paid any national insurance contributions.
You don’t consider yourself to be disabled - Disability Living Allowance is for people with long term health problems which affect their everyday activities.
You’ve been told by a doctor, nurse, care worker - or anyone other than a welfare rights worker - that you won’t get Disability Living Allowance. Eligibility for Disability Living Allowance is a legal question, not a matter of medical - or any other - opinion.
You live alone and no-one is providing care for you.
You already have someone, a partner for example, providing care for you.
You don’t want anyone to provide care for you.
You’ve been turned down before. You do not want to spend money on personal care: you can spend Disability Living Allowance on anything you wish.