Hey everyone Hope someone can help me! I’ve been off work for nearly 12 months (feels like forever) and I’m hoping to return soon. My doctor and ms nurse have stressed how important a phased return is but they are vague in what sort of hours I should be starting from and how gradual I should be increasing them, anyone been through this? Thank you x
As you have seen from my post that I am going back for 3 hours a day for 2 days a week and this is gradually be increased over 2 months to get me back to 8.5 hours a day for 5 days. One of my problemis I’m struggling to type currently and when you do IT support this is a problem. Having workstation assessment organised by access to work as well. Hope this helps Good luck
Thanks that sounds ideal but I don’t know if my work would accept 2 months then again I suppose it’s better that I’m there than off sick x
Mini I hope your return goes well. I have not done this but I would have thought you would be able to take the lead on what you thought right for you and be guided by how you are feeling. Better to start small and work up maybe a few hours a day or every other day for a week and work up from there over the course of a couple of months? Good luck x
I would hope it was my choice yeah just hope they will be understanding at work. Thanks for comments take care x
If they have supported you this far they must be supportive. A phased returnis going to enable you to go back and hopefully stay back. Your GP should support you I have mine outlined on a sick certificate.
hiya, as I worked in an environment where you worked at least a full week or nothing , I had never heard of this, but my wife knows about it from her work, it’s a system where a person who has been off work for several weeks can return to work on a certain amount of hours per day/week, building up to the full hours required per week over a given timescale, Brian
I might take a trip to gp see if he can write me something up probably better to have something in writing. Thanks everyone x
Where I worked a lady had a phased return after heart surgery. She started off arriving at 10am (missing rush hour) then worked until lunch time for the first few weeks, then worked through until mid afternoon and then until normal finishing time and finally back to normal hours.
I’ve recently finished my phased return working 3 hours for 2 weeks upping it by half an hour until I got to 6 hours which I changed my contract to do.
I got a phased return note from my GP and he wrote in everything I asked.
At the end of the day, you are disabled and your employer has to tread very carefully to treat you fairly.
my situation is much like Mr Grumpy. I was off for nearly 10 months and went back in Feb on a 6 weeks phased return, starting 2 days a weeks at 2 hours a day, starting working from home then building up back at my main hospital site, I ended my phased return at 3 days a week 6 hours a day, but i’m now working 3 days a week on 5 hours a day and using accrued annual leave to allow me to continue this until such times as I decide what I want to do long term. My GP detailed the phased return on my Fit Note.
Hi , I recently had to contact my nurse in regards to my work doing there annual " we need to clamp down on sickness " and even though my manager and senior manager are fighting my corner our (idiot) HR department just see me as a number rather than a person… My boss wanted any information to help fight my corner , and my nurse Paula told me to read an MS society document called " working yet worried " it has loads of good advice for you and your work place … But it has a return to work section and it discusses phased return to work, maybe worth a read ? Just pop in working yet worried in the search box up,top and it should come up… Hope it’s helpful and good luck xAnnax
Thanks everyone really appreciate it x