Paresthesia and possible episode?

Hiya all, I seem to what we believe is entering an episode, I am undiagnosed and have an urgent doctors appointment because I’m developing weird sensations in my leg which leaves me feeling weak and in a lot of pain, I’m trying to compensate by resting on the other leg which hurts my hip so I’m at a loss, the only pain relied that works is codeine which I’m not allowed to have often. Walking is awful particularly up hill, I already suffer from pelvis problems and back pain so a bad leg is really frustrating, I had to walk up the hill to my home today from the bus stop it’s more of a slope but still I was nearly crying by the time I got home. Is there any relief from the pain? The sensation themselves are very weird and not painful but afterward it is. I also have a tight feeling in my chest I initially thought this was asthma but used ventolin and no relief. The other thing I wanted to ask was did any of you develop a squint due to MS? I developed a severe one two years ago and recently had surgery to correct it as it gave me double vision. The orthoptists are stumped because squints don’t usually occur in adulthood. I still get double vision time to time and I can’t really get a clear view when I look to the left. My main thing is pain though, I’m desperate is there anything like deep heat or something that’s good? Or certain strecthes or positions that help those of you with paresthesia?

Hi, oh isn`t it horrible when your life is so consumed by constant pain, that you can hardly think straight, let alone stand straight?

In my early days (16 years ago) I had chronic thigh/hip ache. it was caused through foot drop.I would lift my hip and swing my leg out, to avoid tripping up.

Do you think you do the same?

I was prescribed amitriptyline and had to go to up to 100mg at night, before it zapped the pain. I have been on it ever since and it has kept that particular pain away.

It might help you too.


Thank you for your response, I have no idea if I have foot drop, I do know I shuffle and have for a long time, I’ll try to observe how I move when I walk next. I’m hoping they’ll give me something, I never thought of amytriptyline as it’s an antidepressant but just researched it and found it’s used for neuropathic pain! I wonder, I’m going to ask about pain relief because I just feel terrible, I’m sorry that others go through it but am relieved to be understood. I know I’ve tried to reach out to those around me and apart from one no-one really thinks it can be that bad at my age… Thank you for posting!