Hi everyone, I have been diagnosed with PPMS and my main issues seem to be a very heavy leg, headaches, fatigue amongst other things.
I just wondered if anyone had tried the Oxygen Tank Therapy and if anyone had benefited from this?
Welcome to this site where there are many people who will be able to assist with many queries as they have been with me.
I have not tried this therapy so can’t comment on it but a lot of people find it beneficial.
Take care
I did the four week course at my local MS Therapy Centre and didn’t notice any benefit. However, others claimed it improved fatigue and bladder control, so it’s one of those things you need to try and see if it helps.
If you do decide to go for it, make sure you are told how to clear your ears, as you need to be able to equalise the pressure.
Thanks for the response Mary, it’s something I have just started trying so not sure what to expect!
Thanks, I guess it’s going to be like everything in MS, everyone is different so I’ll see if it helps - if I don’t try, I’ll never know! Thanks for the response!
I tried a one off session at a cheaper rate. I felt I had a bit more energy but wasn’t sure it made much difference to make the financial investment. Maybe try it once and see what you think.
Thanks, I am trying it at a therapy centre and is partial funded. After the first 3 sessions, I did feel like it gave me a bit more energy and my head seemed a bit clearer but not sure if this is wishing for me to feel a difference! Thanks for responding
Hi tracy-rogers
I’ve been having Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for several years now - its odd, but whilst you are having regular sessions it just becomes something you do once a week; but if you then have a period without it, you really notice the difference. Whilst you are having O2, things are generally easier, you can do more, less fatigue/severity of fatigue, clearer mind etc. Had to stop O2 for a few months during Covid and really suffered from the lack of it.
Like others have said - give it a go, I know others for whom it didn’t help, but it does help me hugely.
Thanks for the response. I’ve had 7 sessions and do feel better for having it, clearer head and less tired but I guess as long as it makes you feel better it’s worth continuing with! Thanks for the response