Can I ask, does anyone else get sudden, random pain, especially in their toes?? This appears to be the latest ‘thing’ going on with this damn body of mine. It causes me to yell as it hurts so much!!
All the time (not toes yet though) - recently mine have been dead in the centre of my right palm.
My newest symptom is what feels like an electric shock starting on my right shoulder and shooting down both my side and my right arm. Its really starting to annoy me
JBK xx
Hi, yes, my toes and feet are where I get mist random pains, electric shock type pain. i not dx with MS, most likely FND but the pains can be awful, sooo annoying and tiring x
I have been having random pains in my toes for a few years now. It literally feels like someone has shoved a needle into the end of my toe - and you cannot help but squeal and move your foot away from the mean invisible person , so if it happens in public it’s a bit embarrassing! Leah
Yes Leah, i can understand the embarrassment fully!! Jeeze…i keep thinking…“what next”??? Hahaha xx
Noticed emoticons here. How do you get them on your posts?? When i use the ones via my keypad on my phone, they disappear once i post my comments on the forum. Spill the secret please! X
I get this in my palms
I get stabbing pains in:
My toes
The soles of my feet
My fingers
My breasts
My ankles
My, err, “lady garden”
My eyes
Does my head in!!!
Lol, only mentioned my toes as they were the latest problem. I too have pain in other parts of my body and got to admit the worst one is in my eyes…yowl…!!! :-o
the emoticons are at the top when you write or reply to a post
carole x
Thanks Carole, can’t seem to get them by my phone though…tut…