Electric shock pains

Hi this is my first post so hopefully doing it right. I recently got diagnosed (finally!) back in dec although first symtoms were 4 years ago.

I was just wanted to know if anybody gets any shooting pains that feel like electric shocks? I always get it in the same place, down the rightside of my face and into my shoulder, although it usually only lasts about 5 seconds, the pain is breifly incapacitating and 5 secs is enough! Last night it went on for minutes, the wave after wave of pain was unbearable. Thankfully these surprise attacks are very infrequent, it can be months inbetween.

Does anyone think this is another symtom of the ms or something else…stress!




Sounds lke a manifestation of Trigeminal Neuralgia to me.
It is a fairly comon MS symptom and your GP will be able to help with medication.

You can find out more at the TN Assoc. http://www.tna.org.uk/


Hi Jane thanks for your quick reply. I think you just hit the nail on the head, so to speak. I’ve had these type of pains since I was 16, I’m now 27 and my gp put it down to stress!! Think a visit to the docs is in order.

Many thanks Jenna

Hi Jenna,

Another newbie - welcome to the site.

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis.Think Jane has given you good advice. If you have an MS nurse it’s always worth giving them a ring for advice too.

Hope the pains stay away.


Hi, i’m not dx yet but have been put on amitripiline for these pains in my head. Thankfully they worked.

Good luck Sonia x

Thankfully, only had the ‘electric shock’ pain once in the middle of the night, went down to get a cup of tea and was just about to pick up the kettle full of boiling water when it struck. I did a back flip (never done one before and certainly don’t want to do it again!) found myself on the kitchen floor in a heap. Just thankful I hadn’t got the kettle of boiling water in my hand at the time.

Hope you find relief soon. Ann

Thankfully, only had the ‘electric shock’ pain once in the middle of the night, went down to get a cup of tea and was just about to pick up the kettle full of boiling water when it struck. I did a back flip (never done one before and certainly don’t want to do it again!) found myself on the kitchen floor in a heap. Just thankful I hadn’t got the kettle of boiling water in my hand at the time.

Hope you find relief soon. Ann

Hello - I’m wondering if anyone else has suffered something similar to me (and what you can do about it!) . I am not new to the site, but given my query, I have posted anonymously… I have RRMS, diagnosed about 20 yrs ago and (generally) I am really lucky with very few problems other than pins and needles continuously. Recently though, I have been getting a very sharp feeling (like an electronic shock) right up my backside… I mean literally straight up! It stops me in my tracks and I can’t walk when it happens, and can’t predict when it’ll come on - but I have never felt pain like it :frowning: Anyone else with something similar (and any advice at all!!)? THANKS! Anon