Electric Shocks

Hi Guys does anyone else get electric shocks from one spot to another, ive started getting one from centre of my back to my thigh, but it very painful, even the gabapentin dont take it off. Mac

Mac pain was my first symptom leading to diagnosis. Nerve pain is very uncomfortable and affects your quality of life. Please see your gp or Neuro as it can and must be treated. You might need a new drug dosage or combination but pain can be controlled. Please don’t think you have to suffer in silence, I’m currently a guinea pig for research being done for ms pain so I’m hoping we’ll have more options in the near future but it can be controlled now.

Take care

Cath xx

Mac, is it connected to when you lower your head to look down? If so it’s called L’hermittes sign. Used to be called Barbershop Syndome as men would notice it when lowering their head for barber. Occurs in MS and some other conditions. If not, it’s just another weird MS thing. Might be worth increasing Gaba dose or trying something else…Pregabalin or Amitriptyline. See your GP…Hope it goes away soon. Remember even with PPMS symptoms come and go. Pat xx

Hi Mac

I get these sometimes and can be severe enough to really make me jump, certainly not pleasant, give nurse or go a ring.

Dont suffer in silence Mac, get some help for it, take care.

Pam x

Hi Mac, I get this too…in various places. Fortunately not too often! The first time it happened to me I was about fifteen…walking in the street…I thought someone had come up behind me with an electric cattle prod. Gabapentin has helped enormously with it…I do still get it but nowhere near as much as in pre Gabapentin days…Gabapentin hadn’t been invented when I was fifteen! Hope your ms nurse or GP can sort it out for you. Best wishes Nina

HI Guys, thanks, im on 1800 gabapentin and 50 beclofen, i dont have a MS Nurse yet and my GP is like god to get to see, but ill chat to the practice nurse to see if i can get any sence from her, other wise ill just get on with it till i see neuro again in june. I always look forward to chatting to you guys your so helpful xxx