Hello everyone, I’m new to this site however thought it might be nice to ask advice from people who might understand or can relate. Thankfully up to now my main symptoms have been dizziness, and a few vision problems but never pain, until now. Over the last few weeks I have started to experience sharp, shooting pains in my arms and legs. The only way I can describe it is like someone sticking a rod down my bone! It’s a horrible feeling and literally lasts a second or two, but it can happen in really random places throughout my arms and legs. I’ve also noticed I get pain in my right hand too, again feels like bone pain, but when i tough it, there is no pain. It’s really random and I’ve never experienced it before. I can only presume this is some sort of nerve pain as my arms and legs don’t hurt to touch. I just wondered if anyone else had experienced weird pain like this?
yes I experience those random, can’t be explained (not caused by heat/cold) pains.
as far as I can explain it to myself is that the human brain tries to keep us safe and if we touch something hot sends a feeling of pain. since MS has sent the signals awry we get the pains without having put our hands in the fire!
I’m sure that a great many people on this forum will have experienced the same pains.
have you got any good pain killers?
maybe ask your GP if s/he can prescribe something.