on a lighter note

Afternoon friends!

Last week my 2 Golden Girls and I, went to see a film…Captain Phillips.

Now in our swanky new cinema complex in Halifax, there are 9 screens;

in screens 1 - 4, wheelie folk can sit at the back and have a great view of the screen.


in screens 5 - 9, there is no such provision. Wheelies have to sit right at the front of the screen and crane their necks to watch the film. Everything is hugely distorted if you cant keep your neck stretched for the duration.

So, there we were last week, all seated about 5 feet from the screen.

About 20 minutes into the feature film, my sis (GG no 1) tapped my arm and she had her hands over eyes, saying she couldnt watch. I thought Why? It wasnt scary? But she looked at me and said she was going to be sick! With that she ran out of the auditorium (posh word). I turned to the other GG, who hadnt seen GG no 1 leave, as her neck was strongly craned to watch the film. I whispered for her to go check on GG no 1, as she was poorly.

So that left me alone. Now usually when we got to matinee films, we are sometimes on our own, but there are never more than a dozen people in. I suddenly thought, Oh, what if a man in a dirty raincoat comes to sit by me? But then I thought, Well perhaps if he isnt as dirty as said raincoat, I might enjoy his company....

5 mintues later GG1 and GG2 returned. I asked if we should leave, but was told no.

We enjoyed the rest of film, heaving up and down, up and down, as the ship rode the waves.

It`s a good film, if anyone fancies seeing it. Afterall Tom Hanks never makes a bad film does he?

luv Pollx

I agree Tom Hanks doesn’t make bad films

Hi Jen and Barney.

ta for your replies.

I also still enjoy watching BIG.

Castaway was one of his finest I think.


The Terminal…do I get a prize