So, I’ve just received a call from work, she said to me, “you need to decide whether you want to stay in employment”!!! I couldn’t believe my ears!!! Of course I want to stay in employment! Of course I told her this, she came back with, “well, no pressure on you it’s just that we’re employing temporary people to cover your hours & when I won’t have any hours to offer them when you return” What exactly is she saying! I’m taking it as, she wants me to make the decision to end my employment so it’s easier for her, right?! I’m not going to do that, really, how could she expect that?! Well, I’m feeling so stressed & my arms & legs are in Overdrive!!! Can surely tell stress makes symptoms worse! I feel like I’m going out of my mind now, with worry, about losing my job! So on top of that will bring more worry, money! Can they sack me? I was on my probation when I was signed off unfit to work, I had a week left of probation, however, it was evident that she was going to offer me the job as she had me fitted & supplied with uniform after 3 weeks when they aren’t supposed too until your probation is up, her words to me when I said I thought we weren’t allowed uniform until the end were " very happy with your work & as long as your happy here, I am" of course I didn’t/couldn’t take this as gospel, however, then, 3 weeks later, she registered me for my next NVQ, which again, you aren’t officially allowed until the end of probation. I also had my supervision in that time & it was fantastic! I have in writing how pleased they are with my work & attitude & that they support my wishes to become a senior. Surely all of that covers my back of proof they would only be sackings due to sickness But is that allowed? Someone, anyone, I’m going crazy here
Am trying to find out what I can…bear with me. In the meantime, ring citizens advice bureau…
so sorry about the response from work, I just had a thought it may help or not. Do you have legal Assistance cover under your home insurance policy as this usually has work disputes covered for legal advice.
Thats not a good call to take.
When you started were you give the companies policies and procedure to go through as part of your induction? If so read it carefully so you know the companies facts.
What sort of work is it that you do,and I’m sorry but can’t remember are you dx and do they know that?
Also how long have you been there?
I know its alot of questions sorry
Any luck MrsH? I do have legal cover on my insurance yes, never thought about that, thanks Medion Hi ya Pip, yes I was, however, only given it to read there & then to sign etc it stays at work. I’m a dementia carer, full time hours. I’m not dx as of yet but I have kept them updated every step of the way, they know of the possibility of ms amoungst other possible things. I was struggling on at work so they know I’m not trying it on, they kept on asking me if I wanted to go home early but I always said no I’ll carry on through it, until I actually couldn’t any longer & had to leave half way through my shift, I work 3 x 12 hour shifts with a 30 min break for lunch, I am starting to worry if that is even going to be possible for me to acheive again! It is very physically demanding but I do love my job. I have been there since 6th September, my symptoms started mid oct, progressed rapidly, was signed off from 22nd nov, my probation end date was 2nd dec. When I was initially signed off, I explained that I was worried about my job as I was on probation & she told me then not to be silly that they want me back & are here to support me. Now I feel, with the way in she spoke to me that support is over.
Taking sick leave - GOV.UK This is a link you may find helpful. The general consensus is, that unfortunately you do not have any employment rights until you have been employed for twelve months and that, technically, they can decide not to continue the employment after the probationary period finishes. However, with your probationary period so close to finishing, your excellent work record and in the absence of “excessive” sick leave or identifiable patterns of sickness (eg mondayitis) it would be an unusual practice. Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you…major stressing about my O/H appointment today. And sorry it wasn’t better news … Catherine Xx
Thanks that’s very helpful, I will have a read later, when I can’t sleep no doubt, usual occurrence of late. I think she will sack me, I can feel it in my bones, amoungst the jelliness haha! I was just reading your post actually, sorry it wasn’t the news you wanted to hear about work, seems we’re both not having a good time of it at the moment! Stacey xx
Hi Stacey, I am gutted. I really keep thinking, when I wake up tomorrow, I’ll be fine. And I really didn’t expect the O/H GP to say anything other than, get your ass back to work. Guess it shows how much denial I’ve been in. Xx
I know exactly how you feel! Everytime my sick note comes close to running out they want to extend it further than the last one & I always say no But reality is starting to sink in now that I just take what they say & have to go with it as I’m never any better come each end of my notes Xx
gosh, its all a nightmare for us, we have nuero’s who plant seeds then take diagnosis away from us and work place seeing us as being unfit. Do you think maybe OH are coming accross our symptoms more often than we are aware, as they seem to ignore lack of diagnosis and see only symptoms, however this helps us. My sick note runs out tomorrow and I do not feel nervous about ringing for another one as I have done in the past, so maybe now I am accepting there is something wrong. Denial honeymoon over I think for me!
its lovely having this forum to turn too…
Catherine xxx
Hi Catherine I have been diagnosed but I think I have been in complete denial ever since. Yesterday hit me really hard. My eyes are still red and puffy from crying all afternoon and night, yesterday !! I think you’re relight about GP’s treating the symptoms and more importantly, treating us as people, rather than numbers and statistics. This forum has saved my mind over the last few weeks. Xx
hope you have been able to stop crying now, you are a lovely person, I can tell from your posts, so I am sure you with the help of your husband and family will cope and see the best things in life.
I love a good cry, it always makes me feel better, just as long as nobody see’s me, as I always feel embarrassed.
Aah, thanks, that’s such a boost to me. I really miss people…I work in law and spend all day talking to people about their lives and really miss the “feel good factor” of helping people at, what can be, extra ordinarily difficult and emotional times. Mind you, hubby reckons because of the nature of the work, I spend too much time on others and not enough on myself and he keeps saying, it’s my time now. Time to focus on me. I’m not sure. The whole concept doesn’t sit easily with me and I’m not good at it. Hubby is great…I’m pathetically and completely stupidly worried that I am getting further and further away from the person he fell in love with…we met at work…I feel ridiculous even saying that out loud. And, yes, I was blooming mortified at sobbing my little heart out in front of the Doctor. He was lovely and actually said that he was sorry to see me in tears. What a nice man. Xx
you see, I told you your posts are good. Your husband will not stop loving you, I am sure he is very proud of you and what you have to deal with.
I too have an occupation where I give advice and recommendation and help people to make the right decisions, plus a large family who come to me for help, so I can appreciate what you are saying about looking after your self as your own priority, it feels so foreign to do. Unusually whats helped me, is doing a councelling course, I drag my self in every Tuesday evening (I did not tell the tutor or the rest of the group what I was going through, but they have noticed something is wrong but are to polite to ask me, they are great) I am exhausted by the time I get home, but it keeps me intouch with people. Councelling by its very nature is about helping people to make there own decisions which is a far cry from me having to make decisions and find solutions for others, so I have found it quite liberating and its increased my awarness of listening to people for longer as you are unable to cut to the chase and give advise or your own opinion. When I was ill at the beginning of last year, I took a short Art session, with other people who where illness challanged, we sat in the back of a very cold church with fog and mist over the graveyard stone’s. You learn’t to paint fast here and keep your wits about you…lol ! I loved it.
take care and keep smiling,
Catherine x
Ooh…I love the atmospheric description. All Dickensian London. Xx
MrsH (too many Catherines!): you are still you. “I’ll still be me” is sort of an anthem of mine, possibly to ward off the irrational fear that it’s not true. Just looking for this link made me well up!
Oh, Karen, did you have to…!!! Tissues please !!! Lovely, just lovely. Xx
Hi Catherine, Sorry that yesterday’s meeting upset you so much. Usually we manage to muddle along fairly successfully on a day-to-day basis but just one thing can make us realize that we’re not as ‘together’ as we thought we were. That is normal and hopefully you’ll start to see a light at the end of the tunnel very soon. Hang in there, it will get easier! Teresa xx
It makes me cry, but then it gives me strength: I might come with a walking stick, a wheelchair and a cupboard-full of meds, and I am nothing like the 16yo me that my husband first met, but I’m still me.
Thanks, Teresa. I think it was just the reality of the situation, finally hit home. I’ll be fine…I live in eternal optimism !! Xx