Hello all u beautiful people im on the scrounge for some answers to a few questions if u would be so kind As my previous post mentioned, following a phone consultation with an Occupationsl Health nurse yest She has decided that I am NOT FIT TO WORK atm Now my Q is Does this mean that I am def not allowed under any cercumstancies to return back to work on Monday even tho I’ve already had a phased return?? Also the Payroll dept still had me listed as Sick during the phased rtn n as a consequence I’m now on half pay until feb then I will get nothing Does anyone know if I’m allowed to claim any benefits at this stage I’m not yet Dx with anything
Thought I was finally getting over it but all this stress has bought on a new numb lip symptom
Thanks for any help or advice Lou "/
So sorry, this is not something I know about. It might be worthwhile posting on Everyday Living - there will be more people on there who know about this sort of thing.
Karen x
thank Karen I will do
When my manager and HR rep came out to see me at home, they confirmed that i could return to work even if the doctor signed me off with a sicknote, not sure if all companies are the same though, and not sure if it matters OH say you are not fit. I go to half pay this month and received a letter from work confirming that when my Prolonged Sickness Benefit ends they will send me a SSP1 form, this form will be required alongside my original Medical Certificate/fit notes and i will then be able to claim Employment and Support Allowance. To do this I will need to contact the local job centre plus or social security office. they also confirmed it may be beneficial to check if you will be eligible for any other benefits.
take care,
Morning Medion Thanx for ur advice my GP had already said yes to me returning so long as I felt upto it back on 10th Dec so I did 3 wks on phased rtn with slightly reduced hrs my boss hasn’t told payroll apparently that this had taken place n I certainly haven’t had any written comfirmation saying I would be receiving less than full pay I called the payroll helpdesk after the call from OH nurse, on her advice to do so, it’s all just too confusing I’m hoping my boss can help clarify some questions first thing in the morning before I’m actually due to start work would be helpful lol got a feeling she’ll just tell me to go in anyway n try my best until she finds out for certain what’s what Lou "/
Have replied on EL board…(no reason for the cat - just felt the need to use a smiley!!!)