oh the heartache

oh my friends here, i need your help.

it is almost time for us to let our adorable little Lucy go…she is very poorly now…her legs cant carry her at times, as they are so swollen with fluid…

she trembles with what I think is stress…the vet says she has dementia too…she is in her 16 th year…

my hubby is making her box…we will put her favourite toy…flopdog…in with her…maybe it will be tomorrow…oh the pain,


its heartbreaking poll, it really is,but much as we love our pets we have to do the right thing in letting them go,

so they suffer no more,just keep in your mind how wonderful a life shes had with you,loved and cherished all her life.

doesnt make it any easier though i know.

J x

Hi Poll,

Sorry to hear this news- I can feel your pain as my dog has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer and the vet has said to expect to have him for another 4-5 months only. He is just 8 years old. Our pets mean everything to us don’t they but your little dog has had a long and happy life. I’m sure she has been given lots of love and care from you throughout her life. I know it will feel awful for you when she has gone but she will have given you lots of lovely memories.

Take care I will be thinking of you

Cathy x

Oh Poll

It’s not long since the vet came to our home, to help us say goodbye to our beautiful Ben.

We knew it was the right thing to do for Ben but it broke my heart. I’m crying now Poll because I know what your going through, having to say goodbye to little Lucy and my heart goes out to you.


I am so sorry

Really sorry to hear this Poll, can’t say anymore really. I feel devastated for you, God knows how you must feel.

Lots of (((((hugs)))))

Cherry x

Poll, my heart goes out to you - have been there, know what you’re going through. Knowing it’s the kind and right thing to do doesn’t make it easier.

Lots of (((((hugs))))) from me too

Jo x

So sorry Poll, I absolutely understand your pain. It’s such a difficult decision to make but now you know Lucy will no longer suffer. Huge hugs coming your way xxx

Rosina x

Oh Poll. I really feel for you all. Poor little Lucy.

As you know I have been through this terrible heartache twice over the past few years.

As Lucy’s mummy and daddy this is the hardest decision for you to make but the best and kindest thing for Lucy to end her suffering and send her off to doggy heaven where she can play with Noreen’s Ben and my Mika and Bonnie.

I will be thinking of you hun.

Shazzie xx

Hi Poll

I feel your pain, as I know how dearly you both love her, but as much as we love our pets, we have to make the right decision for them, you would not want her to have pain.

Devastating news Poll, my thoughts are with you all. (Hugs)))

Pam x

hi poll

so sorry for you with the loss of your dear doggie.

it’s best to let her go with dignity, let her slip away over that rainbow bridge.

she has had a wonderful life with you and your husband, had loads of love, security, cuddles and everything a dog could wish for.

carole x

Poll, Will your vet come to the house - we have done this with all of our beloved dogs. Save upsetting her by going to the surgery.

You have 16yrs of fond memories of your lovely girl. Think of all the good times - and now you have the chance to save her from any suffering. She knows you love her.

What a great age - a testament of all your love and care.

oh Poll - its going to break your heart hun and I’m sure you will be in flood of tears but your wee Lucy trusts you to do what is best for her - as you have already been doing for years.

Let her go with dignity hun, but keep the happy memories.

lots of hugs

JBK xx

I’m sad to read this, it’s heartbreaking when our pets get to this stage. It’s the last act of kindness you can give to your dog Lucy though. I’m really sorry. Thinking of you x

Oh God Poll, I feel for you, my lovely cat Fudgey died of oral cancer when he was just 7 years old. we tried 2 operations to try and remove the cancer and drugs /steroids but it came back more aggressive and he was suffering, though on his last day he tried to play with us, bless his heart.

He was put to sleep at the vets, I managed to hold back the tears before so I didn’t stress him out but then just fell to pieces afterwards.

Hubby wanted to bury him straightaway and I let him but I really wanted to sit with him and talk to him even though he was no longer with us and I regret not doing that.

We’d bought a biodegradable wicker coffin and I put his favourite toy in with photos of me, hubby and my mum who he loved.

What really hurts is that we had to move house six months after we buried him in the garden…this was 10 years ago this year and I still have the occasional tears. I also remember the happy times. I’ll never forget him.

Spend loads of quality time with your little dog Poll, it will be so very very sad having to say goodbye but it’s heartbreaking knowing that our little ones are suffering.

My thoughts are with you, your hubby and little Lucy xxxxxxxx

So sorry to hear of the suffering of your little doggie but when they are suffering like that it’s not fair to them to keep them around. We have two elderly Siamese Cats (16 years old – 4 months between them). We are dreading when the time comes. Neither of our children remember a time when we didn’t have them.

thankyou Dave.it wont be long now


My heart goes out to you. How hard the decision is, but how kind we are to our pets, when the time comes to say goodbye.