Hi all and Pat

So Pleased to hear Pat is home with her little dog being at home makes you feel better its a year now that l had brain tumour removed 12 months of chemo and doing ok l think mri next month to look for any change, my sad news is that l had to have my beloved dog put to sleep she was 16 had become blind and deaf she was poorly for 3 days l said to vet please she is not very well he agreed l have her ashes in the garden so she is still with me. she was my rock in the early ms days, take care all cool weather but washing out and blowing

regards Jan xx

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sorry to hear about your dog Jan.Hope your MRI is ok next month,what an awful 12 months you have had,ho lolpe you are doing ok now.

Pats back home with her lovley Dickie hes a cat though,not a dog.

J x


Sorry to hear about your dog Jan. The loss of a pet is really hard, they become a beloved family member, I know it’s not the same as having them with you, but I hope you get comfort from the fact she didn’t suffer and is now in your garden. Good luck with your MRI, you’ve had a rotten 12 months and hopefully the next 12 are a massive improvement.

Cath x

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So very sorry to hear about your dog Jan, I know how heart breaking it is.

Good luck with your MRI, let us know how it goes, in the meantime take care,

Nina x

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Hi Jan, how lovely to hear from you.

Fingers firmly crossed for good result of MRI.

I’m doing ok thanks…lovely to be home. My sister left today & I had shower for first time in over a week (although I have had washes…lol) and the dressing has come off. Still weak and tired but mentally I’m doing well.

Dickie is a cat…but cat or dog, a pet is a great comfort. I’m very sorry you lost your lovely dog…but you gave her a lovely life and were kind enough to know that it was best to let her go.

All the best Jan and thinking of you,

Pat xx

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Hi Jan hugs XXX Don

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Hi Jan,

I was saddened to hear of the loss of your pooch. I do know how they become part of your family. They worm their way into your heart and ask for nothing much in return. I also lost mine of 15 years recently and still see her out of the corner of my eye at home. They become your shadow and are there through all the sad and happy times. You still have all those memories of a faithful loving friend.

I do also wish you all the best with your next MRI and fingers crossed all is well for you.

Weather up here in Aberdeenshire has been spring-like recently with sun and sea breezes. Good washing weather.

Kind regards,


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Hi Jan

So sorry to hear about your little dog, it is hard, but take one day at a time, and remind yourself he has no pain now, that really helped me.

Take care

Pam x


Hi jan, I am also terribly sorry to hear you have lost you little furry companion.You may remember we lost our beloved Lucy last year. he was 16 and very poorly.

Hope your mri goes well and you are as we as you can be,

much luv, Pollx


Hi all weather just right for washing daughter coming hope she will hang it out granddaughter hands tha pegs out and says you have had too many now she has them in a little bucket. l am eating my brizzel nuts good for white blood cell dr said only broke a tooth dentist said he can mend that regards Jan xx

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