littte Lucy

hello friends.

well the dreaded time has come…that terribly painful and hateful decision has been made.

the vet is coming at 1.20 today, to help our beloved little girl on her journey, to a place where doggies can romp, run and play with no pain or hindrance.

Lucy is just short of her 16th birthday and has given us years of love and loyalty.

She used to bark when I needed help to let my hubby know, if he was in the garden. She knew when I was down and lifted me up, with a kiss and a look that said, I know, mum. Youre not feeling too good, but Im here to look after you. And she did too.

So can I ask,that those of you who understand our loss, say a little prayer at 1.20 for Lucy today/



Oh Poll. That must be so painful for you all.

This is the kindest thing you can do for Lucy. She will be out of pain and all the little doggies in heaven will be waiting for her so she will have lots of friends to play with.

I will say a prayer at 1.20.

Be thinking of you all.

Shazzie xx

Oh Poll

I will say say a little prayer at 1.20 for little Lucy and you. I know how hard this is going to be.

I am having Reiki today, I will think of Lucy with my beautiful Ben and all the other doggie friends playing.


Noreen xx

Thinking love to all at this horribly sad time xxx


hi poll

i only logged on at 1.30 but i said a prayer for lucy anyway.

and for you and your hubby who lucy will be worrying about.

so very sad for you

carole xxxxxxxxx

i’m sorry both to be late in reading this and for your loss. i also sent a prayer for a safe journey onward for little lucy. you’ve looked after each other so well. you’ll always remember her.

wendy xx

I’m a bit late Poll but my thoughts are with you & wee Lucy.

Take care hun, lots of hugs

JBK xxx

awww Poll there are no words to comfort at such a sad time,we just have to go along with it,until the grief eases a little.


J x

So sorry Poll (((((((huge hugs)))))))

Rosina x


Thinking of you all, and sending you all ((((hugs))))

Jo x


It was very peaceful, although she did pull her front leg back a little as the vet shaved her fur. Never did like her feet touching!

They did let me hold her and i was grateful for that.

I had her in her big blue towel, which she was dried off with…never liked a bath either!

Hubby closed her eyes for her and she drifted off calmly. We wept buckets, said we love her and what a good girl she was. She always loved to be told she was good girl.

Shes spending tonight in our conservatory. Shes in her casket, which hubby made and shes got flop dog, her favourite toy, plus a blanket and her food tray. We will bury her in the garden tomorrow, next to Poochi, her big brother, wholl take care of her.

I told her to stop off at a Poodle Parlour en route, to make her look all posh!

Our house will never be the same…ta again.

luv Poll and Hubby and Lucy.xxxxx

Oh Poll, I hae only just logged on so sorry I am late, but I have had a little prayer for Lucy, and asked for a safe journey.

There are no words at this very sad time, but please know my thoughts are with you, your hubby and Lucy, which I hope will be of some comfort to you.


Pam x

So sad for you. Relieved that you could cuddle and hold her close when the time came as I’m sure she would have felt your love so strongly. I will say a prayer for little Lucy x

Anyone that has been cared for by a four legged friend will be saying a prayer for little Lucy and I’m sure that she’ll never be forgotten, no matter how long. You’ve brought back memories of our “Bob” who we had to say goodbye to 12 years ago. I never thought I could let another dog take his place, but time heals and now Sam is here and I see Bob in some of the things he does. You never forget, it does get easier though. Perhaps they never really leave us!! God bless

Sorry for your loss Poll, I did briefly see this but did not have time to post anything, I did say a prayer for Lucy at 1.20.


Sad time for you Poll, sending sympathies x

Jan x

So sorry Poll. I know how you feel. Molly left us just over 3 years ago and we still miss her. She was the sort of dog you could trust (and I did, with 2 separate babies) alone in a room with a 2 week old baby lying on the floor beside her. My son managed to wee on her once and I’ll never forget the look of surprise on her face!

Our new dog is a completely different character which in some ways is a good thing as we could never replace Molly. Wouldn’t trust her with a newborn though; far less placid nature. Some dogs are just utterly irreplaceable. Molly was one; it sounds like Lucy was too.

Thinking of you.

hi poll and family

it is really sad to hear about poor little lucy- like others here, i have only just logged on and wish i had known earlier ie 1pm as i would definitely have said a prayer- it is comforting to hear lucy had her loved ones around her.

when you get sad (which you will in the interim of course), please try to remember the lovely life that her family must have given to lucy, and how loved she knew she was. (please apologies for talking in the ‘passive tense’ as microsoft word would criticise me for doing).

please accept my belated prayers to you all (and that is quite a bit thing for an agnostic such as myself)

fluffyollie xx

Thankyou once again, for your very kind words of consolation. We buried Lucy in the garden this morning, in a strong casket my hubby made. He wrapped it and sealed it in plastic, saying Nowts gonna get at her!, right next to Poochis plot. Poochi was Lucy`s predecessor for 15 years. So yeh, we had a long time with lots of fun and love from our beloved pets.

Our hearts ache and our eyes are sore from crying…it will get easier…later.

luv Pollx