not ms.....hacked

ok so i checked my account to see if the payment for dads stuff had gone out yet n found out my building society acct was empty n bin hacked into by some f@cking thief topping up there phone, now i gotta go to the building society in the mornin to get them to sort it out n close the account down as i really dont think its safe enuf to use any more, phone up the benefits office to get my money shifted to a new acct, cancel paypal, change passwords on everythin i can. i feel so sick, i gotta give dad the money that was his from my esa which leaves me with near enuff nothing for 2 weeks, as from wat ive read it takes the buildin society some time to make sure i was hacked then to give me the money back, maybe im safer never usin a bank or buildin societ n just shovin my money under the bloody matress, sorry bout this rant but i feel sick, violated, n freakin angry just coz sum thief wanted to dick about n steal the money in my acct


what a di*k. some people just feel the world owes them a living

and they dont ever consider their own bad karma

now just take a while to think about what karma may do to them

good luck with all the organising

carole x

Oh hun, this is the pits for you!

I dunno how you can get a 100% safe account. Hopefully the building society can offer more assurances, eh?

luv Pollx

another bombshell. paypal too double the amount of money off me this mornin, so now the bank has put a stolen flag on my original card, as i got a replacement card last week, they said to empty wat pennys i got left in my account b4 it gets nicked then open another acct up, they are looking into the hacking n will take a few weeks for them to let me know, in the mean time they are claiming back the money from paypal they shudnt have took off me, so now i got no account till the new ones active, screwed with money, but i gotta say the lady at the bank was soooo helpful, they let me use the phone in branch to call the helpline n the lady there was really nice and let me calm down n let me take my time in explaining everything, she was so kind n patient with me, it made this whole mess a bit better for me to handle, so now its off to mum n dads to tell them then home to get everythin cancelled n sorted n re set up with a new paypal acct wen the new acct is set up, geez im so glad it didnt happen new yrs day, that wud b a crappy start to the year, atleast i can leave it behind in this year to start a new yr off on a gud note