Newly diagnosed (5 weeks) back pain question?

Hey this is a completely random questions.

My first relapse was when i lost sensation from the waist down for about 2/3 months, but still had all my strength though. however since then i seem to often have lower back pain pretty much constantly. it varies from mild to quite irritating. They did find 2 patches of inflamation in my spine when i had a scan. Is it possible that the inflammation i had 9 months ago has left me with permanent weakness in my spine now?


Hi Beccy,

Yes, people with MS - particularly those of us who’ve had spinal cord lesions - tend to have weak “core” strength - i.e. the muscles of the torso that keep you sitting or standing upright.

It’s probable the back pain is related.

Then again, a high proportion of the population suffers back pain on-and-off anyway, so it’s impossible to be 100% certain. If you’ve not been prone to backache in the past, though, I’d think the two things were connected.


Thanks Tina

Well ive never had back pain before this so its too coincidental! Do you think physio will help me? i go for my knee but might ask her for some back exercises?

How long have you been diagnosed for?


Hi again Rebecca,

Specialist neuro-physio may help, because they’ll have a better understanding of the problem.

But a lot of the exercises they prescribe are based on pilates anyway, so if you fancy a DIY approach, you might want to get yourself to pilates classes (never tried 'em myself, but I know they focus on “core stability”).

I was formally diagnosed in October 2010, but I’d known I had it since the Spring of that year. Neuro had told me, pretty much from the word go.

So apart from a brief scare when it looked like I might have something even nastier (yeah, there are worse things, believe it or not), it was never much in doubt, and just a question of being patient for the comfirmation.

With hindsight, I realise I’d been feeling ill for years, but it was pretty gradual stuff, and not very dramatic at first, so I’d always managed to convince myself it was nothing.

I was past 40, and friends, and even my doctor (about the same age) persuaded me it was natural to feel this way.

I just assumed everybody got it, but I was a bit surpised nobody had warned me getting old was so horrid. I thought I must be making more fuss than everybody else.



ahhhh ok. how long did u find it took to accept things? i mean yes im only 5 weeks in to this and i am very up and down!!! plus have optic neuritis at the mo and its orrible altho my brain is weirdly getting used to having one eye that works!! so strange!


Hello Rebecca,

Welcome to the forum, sorry to hear of your dx. It takes people different times to except that you have it, but try and stay positive, I was dx in 2011 but had been ‘ill’ for over 30 years without suspecting I had SPMS, it came as a shock to me. Looking back the signs were there and I guess I just wouldn’t except there was anything reallly wrong. Now I know for sure and have gotten over the shock, my reaction is ok so I’ve got it, now let’s get on with living. I have found it easier to except thinking along those lines, I don’t brood over it. I would suggest you get the brochures from MS society and have a read, but remember each and everyone is different. I wish you good luck and try not to stress out over it.

Sending (((HUGS)))



This is going to sound weird, but I’m not sure I had difficulty accepting, because, as I say, I had a history of not feeling well.

So I’d spent a long time thinking I must be stupid, lazy, or a hypochondriac - or some combination of all three!

In a way, it was a relief to find out what it was, and that it wasn’t some terrible character flaw, or even mental illness. Although I do struggle with the knowledge there’s no cure, and that I’m unlikely ever to feel much better (only worse) it has certainly explained why life has been getting harder these last few years, and why I couldn’t just “snap out of it”, or “pull myself together”.

Previously, I had an unknown enemy. Now, at least it has a name. I know I’m not going mad, and that I’m not lazy, or stupid, or any of the other things I was beginning to suspect.

I don’t know if I ever want to accept it completely. I accept it in the sense that I no longer torment myself with: “Maybe it was a mistake?”, “Maybe I don’t really have it?” I’m satisfied the diagnosis was sound, and that I needn’t search for alternative explanations. Though in my case, some of the alternatives were worse - so my neuro did a good job of persuading me MS wasn’t the worst outcome. It was unlikely to kill me, at least - some of the others might have.

I suppose it depends what you mean by “accept”. Accept it as truth? Yes. There’s no point trying to deny the bleedin’ obvious.

Accept, as in not fight? No, I think I shall always fight. I haven’t chosen to do it with DMDs (a purely personal choice), but that doesn’t mean I feel there’s nothing I can do. I’ve lost a lot of weight, and I probably work much harder at fitness than I did before I got ill.

I know these can’t halt or reverse MS, but I do think they’ll put me in a stronger position to deal with whatever comes.

When I get a bit down, it sometimes helps to remind myself I’ve had it ages. Although the diagnosis is newish, the illness isn’t - I’m sure I’ve been “managing” it for years. I’m not a different person because somebody slapped a name on it. :wink:



thanks to both of u for your replies really sweet of u.

yea im still in that up and down phase. the fact im in middle of a relapse ASWELL is even more annoying. Had optic neuritis for 5 weeks now which is what led me to being diagnosed.sooooo irritating i want it to get better but heard cn take 12 weeks?

Yea so my neuro suggested copaxone but i dont want to take dmds at the moment! really want to focus on a healthy life and see how i get on.

What are your thoughts on this view?


Hi Rebbeca,

You haven’t said how old you are but new drugs are coming out all the time that are meant to slow the progress down. I just wish that I’d been dx earlier and had a chance to have the progress slowed down. It is everyone’s own choice as to which route you take and which ever one you choose I wish you the very best. Sending (((HUGS)))



Thanks janet.

I am 26 years old.Yep well i have officially decided to wait and hold off on the drugs and go down the alternative diet/exercise supplement route first.

Of course if i have loads of relapses in the next year then of course i will prob take them.

Lots of hugs to u xxx

Hi Rebecca

I was refered to a neuro-physiotherapist by my gp. I had problems with lower back pain and balance.

I went once a week for 6 months but i was pretty bad at the time.

As Anitra has said - they concentrate on core-stability. It helped me a lot.

I also went to see an osteopath for help with relaxing the muscles. This was also very helpful but i had to pay for this myself.


Thanks Teresa.

i am going to physio today so will ask her for some core exercises.

Thanks so much


hey Hun…sorry to hear your back is not great ow either…good idea re physio as others have said a neuro one is prob best…also maybe a chiropractor but a McTimoney one may be best…I have been doing core strength stuff fora while…and it def helps re stability. plus maybe some tiger balm as this helps the muscles relax but you only need a little asits very strong stuff lol em