Happy new year everyone! It hasn’t started well in our house. I started with a cold on boxing day, which turned to a chest infection and conjunctivitis! Also little Lucy has lymphodema. Not sure how this is gonna turn out…could be grave. Xx
happy new year to you and your poll!!
we all have sniffles in our house as well.
conjunctivitis isn’t nice, red eyes like dracula!
i do hope that lucy gets better.
carole x
Happy New Year Poll.
We had lurgy in our house too. My dad and his partner had mild flu and the wee ones had head colds over the 2 weeks. Somehow though I managed to avoid it all.
Wrap yourself up warm hun and pamper yourself. For once virtual hugs work better than physical ones. No danger of picking up something else.
Take care sweetie - lots of hugs
JBK xxxx
So sorry Poll that you have been poorly over Xmas. Hope you are feeling better now. And so so sad that Lucy is poorly. I know how much you love her and I hope she can find a treatment that will help her through this.
Shazzie xx
Happy new year to you Poll. Hope your sniffles have sniffed away!
Update…lucy is still bloated…vet for her tomorrow. Gp been to me again. Eye is painful…off to eye clinic Thursday.