Evening all…in 7 hours time, well be in 2012! Im kicking it off with a visit to the neuro…thisll be fun, Im sure. But whatever he says, I am hoping to remain calm, collected and even tempered.
Tall order? Maybe, but since my respite stay on 1st December, Ive had this peaceful feeling inside. It did waver a little a couple of weeks later, but it is back now and Im trying to pass some of it to my hubby, as he had some iffy moments over Christmas.No, not due to his recent success with giving up the fags (7 weeks now), but due to our son-in-law`s behaviour when staying with us.
I didnt let the issue spoil my enjoyment with our 2 granddaughters and daughter here. I was too busy soaking up my kid fix! You cant beat it…better than any drug, I reckon!
Right then, I hope you all have a good New Year despite the challenges MS gives us.
Hi Polly Glad to hear that you had a good Christmas with your daughter and granddaughters. I’m looking forward to New Year’s Day as my youngest son will be 7! It makes new year extra special for us and he is so excited! Wishing you all the best for your appointment in early January. Also,well done to hubby who is doing so well with giving up the cigarettes. Happy New Year Teresa xx
Wishing a very Happy New Year to you and your OH. So glad that you had a lovely Christmas with your daughter and grandchildren and well done to your husband on his sucess with stopping smoking. We had a lovely time, quieter Christmas Day this year as just us and our lovely daughter. Had son and partner and our twin granddaughters on Christmas Eve, much excitement antipatingSanta’as arrival. Sister in law and her husband and grandson have been today to kick of the New Year celebrations, just had our steak dinner and about to attack chocolate, wine and whatever else we can muster up, and watch the local fireworks.
Hoping for better times for us in 2012 (I’m heartily sick of constant weakness in lower back/legs and pain now!!) I hope to relax for a couple of days with another book (read One Day already) and perhaps a dvd or two before heading back to work on Tuesday, when there’ll be lots of catching up to do…busy times might help me forget MS for a bit!!
Lots of love and good luck for the visit to the neuro…keep us posted.
Dearest Poll, family stuff can be hard, but I’m so glad you had your kids-fix.
I had mine the other day. Little grandson was here for the night and the nicest bit was in the morning when it was just him and me at breakfast time and it was quiet and we ate shreddies and chatted about this and that. I thought, when he’s a man and I’m gone will he remember this? I hope so. Was heaven. Not all family time is heaven… so glad you’ve got back into your calm place.