New wheelchair. Big commitment.

Hello everyone.

How much do you spend on an electric wheelchair? How portable does it need to be? Will its use justify the price?

Well, you don’t really know until you take the plunge really. It’s been getting very awkward for Jo to wheel me about while our three-year-old Rose bouncing around with us. Things like motorway service areas or shopping malls are impossible with all the bright lights and distractions. So we decided to invest a small fortune into one of these:

Now I’m quite excited. Does anyone have or know of someone who has one? Mine’s due next week. I’ll post an initial up-date.

Best wishes, Steve.

I like the design, aesthetically, and I note that it comes in a range of nice colours. I know that may be a detail, but I was delighted to find ‘blackberry’ coloured Ossenberg elbow crutches…

Snap. I have got a pair of blackberry coloured Koworsky (?) crutches. And a pair of spotty Switch Sticks ones plus a single shocking pink one.

I get LOADS of comments about them from loads of different people and t makes me happy! As I always say to them “well, you’ve got to have a bit of style haven’t you?”

Vain? Moi?

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It looks good Steve. Hope that you get on well with it.

Keep up informed.

Hi Steve

It looks good and it does 6 mph…so jealous, mine only does 4 mph, so no point us two having a race!!

If you are thinking about getting insurance, I get mine with Lockton, and its round about £60 per annum fully comp.

Enjoy your freedom and independence.

Pam x

6 kilometers an hour I think Pam so I think that I might put my money on you in a race

Ooooh I like it. Nice and compact. Great design.

Seems a lot of money I know but I spent about same on my mobility scooter, and it’s the best money I ever spent!

Pat xx

Looks just the job Steve, what colour did you get,the black one ? tell yourself you are sooooooo worth it,it will make things easier for you and your wife.

J x

Clever bit of kit. I’m interested to know how you get on with it, Steve. The time is coming when I seriously need to consider going electric.

Looks good Steve. As Pat said, it feels like a lot of money to shell out but my dad bought his mobility scooter for near enough that amount and he said it was one of the best investments, really improved his quality of life. It’ll definitely make make family days out less stressful and may encourage you to get out even more, good for you.

Enjoy it and please let us know how you get on as I’m sure a few of us could be looking for these things in the future.

Cath x

It looks lovely Steve, Frazer would be so jealous if he saw it…he’s fed up of walking besides my battered chair. My chair is an Enigma i think it by medicare it does 4 miles an hour. We got it from ebay second hand, it been perfect for me, i tried out the chairs in the mobility shop in Chester I loved the Enigma, and then we bought the same model. Sooner or later I would like to up grade, iv’e got a manual chair from the nhs but they are hard to push and i love the freedom of being able to do it myself.

I hope you have a fun time

Michelle and Frazer xx

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