Electric Wheelchair

Hi, I am a 50yr old with Primary Progressive MS (diagnosed some 10 years ago)

Balance and walking is now a real issue, to such an extent, I am thinking of changing my wheel chair to electric.

So, does anyone have any thoughts on a conversion to my manual wheelchair to make it electric. I want al all terrain option, (going to the park with my daughter), something I can control ( my upper body strength is fine) and something not too slow.

Any thoughts/comments would be very very helpful oh and I guess thoughts on how to fund this.


Hi Jonw​

i looked at fitting an electric motor to my manual wheelchair but found a powerchair was a much better option,

i bought one off eBay and found it was ok but be careful if you are a taller gentleman as many I found are designed for smaller people and you can find your sat with your knees around your ears!

as for funding grants may be available from your local ms group, I am awaiting delivery of a new powerchair from the NHS after a two year wait, you have to be referred by your OT or MS nurse.

hope this helps


Hi, i have looked at motor kits for manual wheelchairs and was surprised at the cost is £600 ish!

I once bought an unused electric wheelchair on eBay for £400! It was great.

But then i wanted a tilting, reclining chair with rising legrests.

So i opted to go for one on Motability. It is a Pride Fusion. It is good, but the foam the armrests are made of is rubbish and disintigrates with moderate knocks…Like in doorways!

I pay £102 a month.


To adapt my Enigma wheelchair to be battery powered, would be uneconomical. So I bought a Rascal P327 mini Powerchair. It is my total independence and freedom. A legal ruling in 2015 ensures users of chairs within a chair size measurement can be used on public transport. Buses are so easy, and as my driving licence was revoked on diagnosis, I have a free concessionary bus pass plus one person with me can also travel free.

Its very comfy with its Captain style chair and easy to manoevre. It can turn on the spot (360 degrees) and takes up very little room. I paid £1700 vat free from a mobility shop in Manchester. The place I bought it from told me I could use part of my DLA/PIP mobility but I opted to buy it outright, My chair has a max speed of 4mph for pavements or road and has a distance of up to 25 miles (reduced if I travel uphill or load heavy shopping)… It drives over small kerbs ok but not large kerbs. It could be used in my bungalow but I’ve not needed to yet.

Regards, Chris x